treasure slip seach

Discussion in 'Community Discussion' started by jewel_king, Aug 5, 2017.


had you heard about the treasure slip

Yes 12 vote(s) 70.6%
No 5 vote(s) 29.4%
  1. Would be nice to know how many were placed on each smp and how many are left.
  2. erm i dont know if this was ever aloud on emc
  3. It's aloud... I think your thinking of World Edit which isn't.
  4. uh no? now im confused then why did he say it wasnt?
  5. I think to make the hunt a little harder and for fair playing grounds for a competition.
  6. I gave up because it's too vague

    Yes it was always allowed, they just decided it was an "unfair advantage" *rolls eyes*

    Stated above
  7. they? as in aikar or krysyy? or orther staff?

    It's allowed. That being said there are mods that can be used improperly and should only be used the way they were intended. Anything other then that and it's on you when you get caught.
    Baradar67 likes this.
  9. i just looked at its page but i was just asking empiremall why he said that just confused

    edit: meant i looked at it after you gave me the link and thanks for the link :p
    ThaKloned likes this.
  10. SS and Krysyy

    No it's disallowed. They barely update the wiki, you hopefully know they don't.
    UltiPig likes this.
  11. Ok thank you for letting us know :)
    EmpireMall likes this.
  12. now i went and looked through the updates and i didn't notice anything saying this was disallowed
    tho i totally agree it should be in most cases

    do you know by any chance where this was stated?
  13. In my forum inbox. And it takes like 2 minutes to configure, and it's not a significant advantage in any situation, because not only can you not SEE what is in the chest, but you also don't know WHERE to go to FIND those chests.
    Allicanto likes this.
  14. While World Downloader is an approved mod on EMC, it has been determined by Senior Staff and Admins that it is not allowed to be used in this case. The grounds for this is the use of World Downloader provides an unfair advantage in locating the voucher in its ability to cover more ground in a shorter period of time through the ability to access the map in a single player game.

    As a reminder, the use of illegal mods or otherwise legal mods that are used to provide an unfair advantage in play on EMC is subject to a permanent ban from the EMC servers.
    Baradar67, Allicanto and ThaKloned like this.
  15. Thanks toade appreciate the info :)
    Eviltoade likes this.
  16. So to indicate where the old boarder was, would it be just like most boarders where it would have land masses that look like they just drop off? I found an area that looks like that in the middle of the ocean. It's not a massive island, but something that it would take someone a long time to do, had it been man made.
  17. That is usually when undiscovered area's where updated to a new version, which changes the map and looks cut off. So it could very well be an old border before it was updated.
    Eviltoade likes this.
  18. Lol. I commented on a post about someone who found a Treasure Slip in a thread about finding Treasure Slips. How is that not relevant? Also, why would you feel the need to post about a thread that wasn't relevant? Why not just ignore it?
    TomvanWijnen and Baradar67 like this.
  19. They had nothing to do with the world borders. There wasn't even a concept of a border then. I have absolutely no idea where I put them, but I doubt I went any farther than 30k.

    And on the subject of mods, no approved mod is to be used to gain an unfair advantage over others. It's not related to just this specific thing.

    Same goes with using world downloader and then using xray in single player to find loot. That wouldn't be allowed either.
  20. Alright, 60kx60k radius around every spawn, let's go guys.
    AncientTower and ThaKloned like this.