Find the Rubber Ducky!

Discussion in 'Forum Games' started by 607, Jun 26, 2015.


Do you have one or multiple rubber duckies?

Yes. 96 vote(s) 60.4%
No. 63 vote(s) 39.6%
  1. Oh. So it's here. lol.

    EDIT: I was going to put this in a spoiler... why did I forget that 10 seconds later? ....
  2. So, for the actual image, it's here...

    Do I win now? since I'm practically the first to show the correct answer of the original image... :p
    607 likes this.
  3. Well, yeah, but...


    Well done, though. ;)
    That was a tough one, wasn't it? :D
    TomvanWijnen likes this.
  4. Yes, it was :p Maybe if you've got another one of these tough ones, you could give more (subtle, and easily misunderstood) hints, so we'll just have to find it before you tell us. ;)
    607 likes this.
  5. Yeah, I know... but I rather stick to a format, which has been 'picture... one hint... answer' so far.
    Thanks for the suggestion, though. :)
  6. I saw that in the original photo and thought it was part of the seat extension thingy =I
    607 likes this.
  7. ;)

    Today, my sister and me went to a very nice place for taking pictures: an area where anyone can build, but without using cement. It makes everything look like ruins, and there was some great ability for Rubber Ducky pictures. I've wanted to go there for a while, but now finally both of us had time! :)
    Most of them are extremely difficult, though, as there's a lot to look at and for some pictures you'll have to go off a couple hands full of pixels for a shape, and not even see the colour as much... but I might try to find an easier one first, so there aren't two in a row that don't get found. ;)
    We took as much as 11 pictures, though, which is quite a lot!
    Oh, 12, actually, one of them being this promo picture.
    Isn't it adorable?!? :D
  8. Well done. :p
    You typed [spoiler] instead of [/spoiler], though. :p
    Sachrock likes this.
  9. you saw nothing xD
    Edit: haha quoting you made another spoiler
    607 likes this.
  10. This is my 15000th post! :D

    I wonder how you'll do, as, well... the pictures taken during this session are probably the hardest Find the Rubber Ducky pictures ever! Perhaps even the hardest 'find anything' ever... ;)
    Jelle68 and TomvanWijnen like this.
  11. Surely, guesses can be made! ;)
    At least this picture doesn't cover a huge area... That should make it easier!
  12. That's it!
    Sorry for not answering earlier, but I wanted to credit your CP right away, and I wasn't at a pc when I saw your answer. :p
    You're at 124 now, I wonder if you're ever going to commission something. :p

    So it looks like I can pick a more difficult one next time... ;)
    Sachrock likes this.

  13. I'm saving up :p
    607 likes this.

  14. How did you manage to do that?? :eek:
    Sachrock likes this.
  15. This is what happens when sach needs more sleep xD
    nltimv, 607 and SkeleTin007 like this.
  16. You were able to get one correct, at least... ;)
    Here's another one.

  17. 607 likes this.