I was looking at the wiki for mob heads and saw an image for an iron golem head, but it wasn't in the list of creatures' heads in the game. Is it actually in the game? Also I was wondering what the rarest type of head to get is. Would it not be an ocelot? I didn't see any ocelot image on the head page. Is there a list somewhere of head rarity?
There is a list of all heads here. Where I've linked you'll need to scroll up a little. The iron golem is on there (Second head, First row)
Here is a list of all the mob heads available on EMC, the iron golem isn't included. Ocelot and ghast heads are pretty rare to my knowledge. But I don't think there's an actual rarity list.
I've got all mob heads on sale at my smp5 shop. I might be out of villager heads, but stocked on all others. I was thinking of doing an all mob auction next....possibly. Player heads are the real rarities. There are banned player heads. Can't get any more of those.
That's the page I was looking at. Did you happen to look at the flashing image on the side that has the iron golem in it?
Yeah, you should ignore that one. That image is merely there for decorative purposes. Pay it no mind.
And the list states you can get a Magma Cube head.... !?!? ...and dont worry... that ones just a figment of our imaginations...
EMC adds more heads to the game. The difference between the vanilla heads are they are normal font like blocks and the ones added by end are heads as if they were renamed with italics.
Havent ever seen one yet. Not even at a shop. Rarer than a villager head then? Or have I just missed it somewhere?
Which head is rarer than a villager head? I wasn't clear there. I've got all of them in my shop except the villager. Can't keep those in stock since they are so hard to get.
Do you hang out in a nether fortress a lot? They're not rarer, I have dozens. I would think anything that doesn't spawn naturally in the wild in significant quantities would be rarest. Villagers would fill that bill. Ocelots are not easy to find and kill in the wild either. I once killed a stack of villagers with looting 3 and didn't get a single head.
Raaynn, if I remember, I'll shoot you over a magma head next time I'm on. I've got lots of them from hunting at the nether hunting grounds all the time.
Isn't there some kind of karma like point system when you kill villagers? I thought it can affect how they trade with you or something? Perhaps they lock trades sooner?
I do have to admit that my keyboard was stained by tears as I bludgeoned one after another after another to a horrible death. Each screaming out in agony, eyes transfixed on me as if to ask "please no, please no, what have I done to deserve this". Then I went to get an ice cream bar.