Dear Mother Nature, These past few winters have been a big disappointment. Barely enough white to powder a donut. And now here we are in 2017, with "Winter" ending in less than a week and now you decide it's time to drop the goods? Well... better late than never I suppose. Bring it on, witch.
I like cool spring / fall days, personally, but I also expect Winter to be cold and full of snow, and Summer to be hot and humid. If a season isn't conforming to its proper weather, I can't help feeling like there's something wrong, y'know?
Scranton's right there on the edge of that big pink splotch. If I get less than a foot, I am going to be most disappointed.
I always ask for heavy snow in the winter (pretty much from late Nov. onwards), and have been met only with disappointment for many years. At this point it's less "Becareful what you wish for," and more "Woman, you owe me."
Yesterday it was expected that we would get 1-2 feet. Today it was supposed to be like 3-5 tonight and then snow and sleet all day tomorrow. The schools in our county are closed, but I am skeptical that we will get any at all at the rate of correctness of meteorologists for our area.
Here I was, all ready to get my bike out and go exploring. Well, guess it's back to the Get Pen a Dog Sled campaign.
Called Dad today to see how buried they were up at mah parents' house (22" and still coming). Says he, "Enjoy it, it's the last gasp for winter." Me: "You mean because of global warming, right?" Dad: "No, for the year, smart alek."