Minecraft 1.12

Discussion in 'General Minecraft Discussion' started by Unoski, Feb 8, 2017.

  1. We don't have anymore IDs because these new blocks took up the rest of them lol. They should change the data system now rather than later. Just get it out of the way, there is no point in delaying it as it will only cause problems later.

    Most of the taken IDs are for the terracotta blocks, which seems like a waste to me tbh.
  2. Well, I think the whole talk about ID's is a bit weird. I mean, currently it literally goes from ID1 (#1, stone) to ID2267 (#2267, Wait music disc). At first, when looking at the blocks, I was thinking about the tinyint limitation but considering how banners and other decorative blocks are way above id 400 that doesn't seem to apply.

    Either way... I like the new decorative blocks. Not sure if I'll be using them very often but, like the 'new' (now common) stone variants they allow for quite some diversity. And even a design noob like myself can make something fun out of this....

    I mean, I think this isn't too bad for a few minutes of messing about:

    Also not too special, but even so... I like where this is going :)
    jossytheninja, JDHallows, 607 and 2 others like this.
  3. LOVE the new wool colors; I always hated the mustard-yellow of the old yellow wool, but the new one is quite nice.

    Not a huge fan of concrete; they just look like plain, bright hardened clay, as has been said. I feel like Mojang is trying to add too much, including stuff that shouldn't necessarily be dyed–the terra cotta, for example; where in the wild would you find a crazy looking block like that?
  4. Nowhere. You craft it.

    The patterns look nice. I see them being used in palaces, spaceships, maybe even Town spawn. What I like about concrete is that it is the solid color we have been missing. We now have solid yellow, solid black, solid green, solid white. It is nice.
    JDHallows, 607, ShelLuser and 2 others like this.
  5. Ah; still, seems weird to have such a specific block in there. That actually bothered me a bit about llamas, too. Part of what Minecraft is that it lets you create everything using the basic foundations; having pre-created "templates" for color, as with terra-cotta and the llama carpets, just strikes me as off.

    And that's a bit what bothers me about the concrete, actually: the blank solidity. Realistically, everything has defects and faults, bumps and scratches, lines and cracks. Nothing is perfectly smooth, perfectly monochromatic, in the real world, and so having something like that seems cartoonish to me.
  6. Minecraft update = more things I don't understand
    JDHallows, WolfInAction and ShelLuser like this.
  7. JDHallows, 607, Kytula and 2 others like this.
  8. Another thing with this update, is that Empires and Land claiming are going to be pushed back even more because the devs will have to work on updating EMC to 1.12
    JDHallows likes this.
  9. I'd try to hold off jumping to conclusions for at least another week. We only got the first 1.12 snapshot.

    To add onto this sub-topic, developer Grum has been working on the new system since the middle of 1.9 snapshots. He hasn't contributed to much else, as of that time, from what I know.
    I talked to one of the owners of the Middle Earth outpost on EMC about Minecraft 1.12 last night. This current limitation in the number of block IDs is something a lot of online commenters don't understand. There's a significant demand for more stair and slab blocks, but the data costs are rarely taken into account. If a plethora of stairs, slabs, walls, etc. was added earlier, the MC developers would run into issue they're facing now a lot sooner. And because they would be unable to implement anymore blocks, until the limit was lifted, updates would be get stale more easily.

    I think the team has secretively planned ensure that when the current block ID limit of 256 types is reached, as we're practically at as of yesterday and last week, the barrier would be taken down shortly after. This is not Mojang being necessarily lazy; it's being smart and thoughtful.:cool:

    * Eventually, if you spend too much time analyzing the same information, what you see could be questionable and uncertain.


    Now, about the blocks we've gotten so far: a lot are vibrant colors or themed designs. Most of the time, a Master builder wouldn't use these blocks often. They work well as accents: the details. Eye-catching colors aren't made dominant in some artworks. This is because they could damage/initiate or exhaust the eyes and the optical lube in the back of the human brain, especially with the darker natural eye colors.

    At this point, I would rather put my thoughts in a separate thread, like my "blog posts".
    JDHallows, 607, ShelLuser and 2 others like this.
  10. The final 1.12 update won't come for another several months.
    JDHallows likes this.
  11. I'm aware of that however since Empires has been put off for so long, this will delay it further.
    JDHallows likes this.
  12. If you are expecting Empires to come out soon even without this update, you are being too optimistic.
    JDHallows, 607 and ShelLuser like this.
  13. Never said soon, but this will delay it more.
    JDHallows and ShelLuser like this.
  14. Not by much. This update only adds new blocks and not much else. This will be a smooth and quick transition.
    JDHallows and 607 like this.
  15. Assuming that this is all there is to the update :)

    According to Mojang they're planning a lot more snapshots to be released, and it wouldn't be the first time that totally radical new features went into a snapshot after it was already released.

    Which is also something to be taken into consideration: what if the next version will follow this one very quickly? Then it might be a better idea for EMC to skip this particular version and prepare for the next one ahead. Especially when that one provides some more groundbreaking features.
  16. The next version will be following this one quickly. I'd say under 6 months. I would agree with you if the update wasn't so minor. If they change more stuff code related, yeah they should do every other update. If it is just blocks, they should update it quickly.
  17. I don't know about ya'll, but I'm frankly excited for Black Concrete :D Much darker / less brown-tinted than the black hardened clay, so I'm hype for that. will certainly help in quite a few cases.
  18. So today I visited Youtube. Last days I've been busy unsubscribing from quite a few channels because I think they're becoming annoyingly annoying :p But anyway, one I recently subscribed to really covers it all in my opinion:

    That's right, ruined.

    So I decided to follow Mumbo's example by not playing Minecraft anymore.

    ... for a few hours because I need to finish up some work related things. :D
  19. I decided to share this video with you guys, cause it has tons and tons of patterns with the terracotta blocks

    Also Jeb responded a tweet about the artstyle, and he said that most of the textures were going to change between this update or the next one