I am quitting EMC Forever :(

Discussion in 'Community Discussion' started by 621op, May 24, 2012.

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  1. Yeah dubzy I thought I was leaving forever
  2. Alex blew your cover, didn't he? :p
    AlexChance likes this.
  3. Lol no he didnt
  4. Oh well, good luck getting a job so you can buy 800k rupees ;)
    EmpireShop and AlexChance like this.
  5. Bye :/ I always hate it when people leave EMC. I hope you do well in school, good luck :)
    pat2011 likes this.
  6. You told me how old you are...
  7. 800k in debt? Wow, tack on the 300k he offered me for auto farms.

    "Instead of rupees can I make you a supporter of my shop, you get one enchant per month"
    You sir, are a disgrace. Sorry.

    Don't think of speaking to me, ever. Nuff' said.
    Frodomann1 and JackBiggin like this.
  8. So i gave him 26 stacks of stone bricks and 6 stacks of logs for nothing? You owe me a enchanted item sir. 800k in debt+and enchanted Pickaxe. SHAME ON YOU SIR
  9. This is ridiculous. You think you can just get away with stealing 800k then basically saying that you don't feel like paying it back? Pathetic. Frankly, I hope we see this:
    AlexChance and PandasEatRamen like this.
  10. It could be 700k now, he might have canceled the spawner deal but I have been told in a PM that he bought a new one for 100k, obviously breaking the rules.
  11. AlexChance and PandasEatRamen like this.
  12. Haha. Now I get your response from the other thread about "I laughed so hard I snorted at that. :/" xD
  13. Guys, please don't bring this kind of drama to public forums. If you have an issue you'd like taken care of with another player and need mediation, please contact me in a private message and include that person and we'll get it sorted out. Thank you.
  14. Not trying to get on your bad side, but he decided to open up this thread and then go back on his word... So he was kind of asking for it. If the community can't respond freely in the "Community Discussion" forum, then maybe the thread should be locked as he has decided to stay and the thread is no longer pertinent.
  15. But it was the player himself who brought forth all the drama.

    "Sure I will pay 700k on this, 100k on that, 300k in these." "Oh wait, I only have 3k that I borrowed from AlexChance." "I know, let's tell everyone I'm leaving forever to get a job and maybe they will all forget!" "Drats, they caught me! *Buys an alts*" "Damnit they caught me again, I shall upgrade to Diamond Supporter and then all is fine!"

    He does not even deserve a cake to the face.
    SephirothWS and AlexChance like this.
  16. Here here.
  17. Sadly, I lent him the 3k so he could get materials for me so I could make a grinder for him. :/
  18. #WayToRuinTheMoment

    AlexChance likes this.
  19. I saw him logging in and out today. I was confused. When I said:
    I didn't think it was going to be two days later. Or that he never left at all for that matter :/
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