[Forum Game] The First Loser | S2:G2

Discussion in 'Forum Games' started by Unoski, Nov 15, 2016.

  1. Oh no, I forgot about this! I hope I'm not too late!
    I'll vote for Quartzic or Jay2a.
  2. Everything is allowed, as long as the forum rules allow it. That includes bribery, for example. ;)
    nuclearbobomb likes this.
  3. While we wait almost 3 more hours for (or less) for the results, I have great news.

    The prize pool will be over 4 million rupees.
    Tyron87, SkeleTin007 and Carbonyx like this.
  4. I just realised, in a week, Ill be gone for 2 months :p Um.. Please dont vote me :)
  5. Tom. :c
  6. "Who do you vote to eliminate?"? Is this a change?
    We usually don't vote for somebody to get eliminated, but for somebody to get their row and column safe.
    This confuses me, so I don't know who I'll vote for yet, and I need to go to bed now.
  7. Winner: Duflet (6 votes)
    Safe: Tuqueque, RunkerD, Duflet, AncientTower, LtCaptainMe, EnderMagic1, nuclearbobomb, Vortixin
    Loser: TomvanWijnen (2 votes)
    Unsafe: Lomax70, Themoglover, BanditLM, Carbonyx, ExExUnderscore, NetherSpecter, Tyron87, SkeleTin007, NathanRP, LoveAllTrustNone, Jay2a, Rhyblet, Shadow_Dcord, Quartzic, 607, Acemox2k

    The round ended in a 3-way tie between RunkerD, TomvanWijnen, and ExExUnderscore. The round was determined by TomvanWjnen
  8. I forgot how I phrased it last time, I will reword it now. Sorry about that.
  9. I had six votes...?
    nuclearbobomb likes this.
  10. 607 likes this.
  11. Okay, then. I'll probably vote for Shadow_Dcord, next, or Jay2a, but he's green and so am I so I'm not sure.
  12. *mini heart attack*
  13. Really. First time playing, first round out. Lovely. >.>

    I assume you can't vote anymore once you're out?
  14. No you can not. Sorry 'bout that. :I
  15. its just bad luck.
  16. No.
    Just in case we have teams..
    To all, don't vote Team Green or else.
    Team Green
  17. Great, now I wish I was on your team :p
    I want fancy graphics too :c
    EnderMagic1 likes this.