[Forum Game] The First Loser | S2:G2

Discussion in 'Forum Games' started by Unoski, Nov 15, 2016.

  1. This does indeed sound like fun ! Consider me a joiner. :)
    607 and Unoski like this.
  2. Umm you know what ok I am in
    ShelLuser, Unoski and nuclearbobomb like this.
  3. Why not?
  4. Make it 1 million and I think you'd have the whole community coming.
  5. I just need to get 2 million rupees total then. I'll see what I can do with my special items.
  6. Wait what? I was joking, don't actually give them 1 million rupees.
    607 likes this.
  7. First a participant, then a host, and now a participant again. I'm in. :)
    607, Unoski and Dufne like this.
  8. 15 players in. I will be closing sign-ups towards the end of November or until I get 25 participants. Whichever comes first.
    A warning to anybody who applies after the 16th participant: You may not be included in this game.
    Sorry, I couldn't hear you over the sound of another auction being made.
    607, EnderMagic1, ShelLuser and 3 others like this.
  9. Nuuu.. I missed the first 15 spots.. *starts bribing people to join* I'm going to send server-wide alerts every hour jk:p This. Is. The. Final Season of The First Loser. dun dun dun
    607 likes this.
  10. Well, not the final season. But the final game with me.

    Others will surely run more games. Also, you can still participate, but 8 others have to join too. The game works with 16 players or 25 players.
    607 likes this.
  11. Just so we are clear, a 25 player game can still happen. 8 more players must join though.
    607 likes this.
  12. Count me in.
    Unoski likes this.
  13. Bump. 7 more players for a 25 player game.
    Tyron87 likes this.
  14. I believe I'm on there twice :p. 11 and 17 I know you just like me twice as much though. ;)
    607 and Unoski like this.
  15. I was trying to give you an edge on the game ;)

    Thanks though.
    607 likes this.
  16. Can I join?
    Unoski likes this.
  17. Assuming if 25 people join total, sure!
    607 likes this.
  18. Put meh in
    Unoski likes this.