The first skeleton horse!

Discussion in 'Community Discussion' started by spartan0405, Jun 1, 2016.

  1. To clear up any confusion, this is currently a bug that chickeneer is working on fixing. Any skeleton horses that are found/brought to town before this fix goes into place WILL be removed because this is not intended behavior.

    You should not be able to ride or stable a skeleton horse at this time.

    Those that are upset that EMC is changing this mechanic. Please note: Aspects of EMC, such as egging, setting horse owners, and stables are NOT vanilla. Stables are not supposed to work with this animal at all, but that's broken obviously. Due to the issues like in the OP, where a player would ride the animal, then be frustrated that they couldn't ride it again once in town, the ability to ride/stable/egg the skeleton horses is supposed to currently be disabled on EMC.
    Gawadrolt and ShelLuser like this.
  2. In the future, will Skeleton horses be treated like any other horse?
    607 and ShelLuser like this.
  3. ;-; wait but then how does it work for you & Aikar? are you guys not allowed to ride them twice or something
  4. We bypass a lot of the world code and flag, etc with our OP status.
  5. ._. ah poo, indiana bones will have to wait
  6. Wouldn't it be easier to fix this by fixing ownership rather than entirely changing the mechanics? Horses already have owner checks, it should be fairly "simple" to extend this to these horses as well. When the system detects that there is not an owner, it sets the owner as whoever was trying to ride it.

    The issue of it not being ride-able after using stable commands should also be solvable fairly easily. Sr Staff have previously been able to ride both types of special horses, and those horses had correct system ownership. It may require a not-so optimal work around with limitations, but it should be very doable to make a system that lets people use these skeleton horses.
    Gawadrolt and MrsWishes like this.
  7. That depends on a few different things, but we are in discussions about it, working with how the code works, logistics, etc.

    As you can see from chickeneer's posts earlier, the skele horse kinda has a mind of its own in the code...
    Gawadrolt likes this.
  8. Senior staff have op status on servers. They can bypass pretty much anything Aikar or I can. And those horses aren't real skele horses, they just look like it from 1.8 and before. I haven't technically tried to ride my beast since the 1.9 update.
    *exits to test*
  9. Please note that my guess is just as good as anyones, but having said that...

    I think this is a short term solution which might make some people happy for now, but it's bound to cause problems in the longer run.

    What if you're in the waste, caught one and then want to release it (like any other horse) because you caught it for a friend? That wouldn't work, causing more frustration (so I think).

    And what about players who'd try to ride the horse but then didn't want it so left it in the waste. There is a current idle timeout for horses in the waste (also because plenty of players got annoyed that many horses were already 'taken' without actually being used). What would happen if a skeleton horse would get released like this? Then they'd risk even new issues whenever players would try to ride it ("finally found a free skeleton horse, now I can't get it!").

    With issues like these its more than often better not to try and add "ad-hoc 'short term'" fixes but take your time to come up with a solid fix which will also be usable in the future. I can understand that some are disappointed and would rather have this option yesterday than next week but...

    But these things are IMO better not rushed, just like with the 1.9 update itself.

    As always just my 2 cents here.
  10. We should leave this in the hands of Aikar/Krysyy/Staff for them to decide what they are going to do with this.
    crystaldragon13 likes this.
  11. You're a contributor, I thought you'd know better. :p
    /horse release - Releases currently mounted horse.
    /horse riders +[playername] - Adds player to list of allowed riders on currently mounted horse.

    /horse release - Releases currently mounted horse.
    607 likes this.
  12. Why hasn't this been looked into at all? StoneSky basically nailed it right there what should be done. Implement it and be done :p
    Lil_Spartan_Cat likes this.
  13. I think you missed where I said this:
    Gawadrolt likes this.
  14. I'm aware of those commands, but read the stuff above as well. This started because skeleton horses didn't react in the same way as regular horses and were basically broken.

    As such my comment above: I think that it's not unthinkable that if staff would add a "quick owner fix" to these horses then these commands might cause (other?) issues with them as well. Esp. considering earlier comments that the whole system regarding these horses is currently (slightly?) broken.
  15. Point is when the Skele Horse code is "Tamed", there will be logistics to what Skeleton Horses do. What StoneSky said is very logical and put forward to what Skele Horses should do in my opinion.
  16. Just because things sound easy doesn't automatically make them easy. Esp. where coding is concerned.
    Gawadrolt and MrsWishes like this.
  17. When did I say it was easy... Just read my top reply
  18. But why would be allow stable, but not allow egging?
    What StoneSky suggested will not be happening. I can tell you that much.
  19. ShelLuser is right because you might seem like this is all easy but I know for a fact that the coding part is actually very complicated.
  20. This should be interesting then.