[DEBATE] Presidential Election - 2016 (closing Nov 22)

Discussion in 'Community Discussion' started by Erektus, Sep 9, 2015.



Donald Trump (R) 138 vote(s) 50.0%
Hillary Clinton (D) 138 vote(s) 50.0%
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  1. Keyword: CAN

    Doesn't mean they will.
  2. Trump wants to. Not for the good.

    Bernie wants to. Pretty good, it seems to me.

    Cruz/Clinton... I'll take Obama for a third term, please. (includes Trump, but Trump is gonna try to change... for the worse)
    TsuriNeko likes this.
  3. They are all going to do the exact same thing every president has. As commander and chief their primary job is to be the head of the US military Inc. In this they have continue to commit genocide and attrocities around the world while crying foul and pretending to be victim in the incident.

    They have and will continue to parrot corporate propaganda that serves no purpose beyond the perpetuation of fear. Fear that allows them to continue to get away with stealing wealth from the working class of not just the US but all nations.

    If you really think any of these candidates are going to make a change then you either have not been paying attention or just haven't been around long enough to see that they are all the same.
    Dr_Chocolate likes this.
  4. I'm not sure where you get that, Bernie only proposes higher tax brackets for those who make more than 250k annually. Even then, he highest tax bracket, for money made per year over 10 million dollars, is 56% taxed. Correct me if I'm wrong.

    If you're going to tell me that greed isn't a problem in America or even the whole world in general, you are living in ignorance. The less greedy people are, the better off everyone in general is.

    The president has more 'hats' than just being Commander in chief. Controlling the military is only a very small role of the president. Especially after Congress passed the war powers act. For example, the president is chief legislator, meaning it is his job to come up with good legislation for Congress. Even if Congress doesn't want to pass what the president wants to pass, the president can still veto things he doesn't like, which requires a super majority in both houses to override.

    The president can also pass executive orders. Do you know how all western Japanese Americans were imprisoned in internment camps in WWII? The president passed an executive order with no consent from Congress.

    And yes, war is a problem with this country. One Trump has taken little regard to. He still wants to bomb the hell out of the middle east. Not the right way to deal with problems. If we never got involved in the middle east in the first place things would be much simpler.
    Dufne, StoneSky, Pab10S and 2 others like this.
  5. TsuriNeko and Dr_Chocolate like this.
  6. One thing I believe strongly in is the need to educate our people. That is our future. That investment will save money by increasing productivity, reducing incarcerations and decreasing the number of people on public assistance. But the republicans fight putting a penny towards education. The state I live in just ended a budget fight on how much to increase the education budget. The republicans wanted to increase it 0% and the democrats wanted 4%. It ended up at 2% but why do republicans hate to spend any money on it? Could it be that a significantly larger amount of college graduates vote democrat than republican? Duh! It's so sad.
    TuckerAmbr and Dr_Chocolate like this.
  7. I'm not sure what problem in America isn't the product of greed but that meme didn't say greed was the problem. It said several problems. I have read all about Mr. Help the poor.

    His plan is to increase taxes, period. His claim is that the taxes will focus on EMPLOYERS. taxing those that make over 250k a year and employers does only one thing: push more jobs out of America. With over 20 million jobs lost in the last ten years, over nine million just because obama decided to blockade off shore drilling, which was a staple of our economy and without that action we may be sitting very comfortably economically as a country today.

    Bernie Sanders will only further that agenda by further regulating and choking out small businesses with his insane tax proposals and welfare programs. 13 trillion dollars in revenue was one of the latest figures I saw on what his proposal will bring in revenue. Where in the hell does the US employers have 13 trillion dollars lying around? They don't, that's why they are already abandoning this country in droves. Not to mention the mass exodus of millionaires since obama has taken aim at them and Sanders has high hopes for putting an even bigger target on their backs.

    Don't get me wrong, I hold no special place in my heart for the rich or corporations. The global corporate conglomerate and its overt civil rights violations are among the most problematic things with this whole system. When they are the hand that feeds though, you don't go to bite it, especially when it hasn't fed you in almost a decade.

    Bernie Sanders has also been hailed as this great civil rights activist yet has repeatedly voted our rights away through the freedom act, the ndaa and blackballing true civil rights legislation that would prevent spying by the nsa and other government organizations.

    You can continue to regurgitate the campaign rhetoric but Sanders has a long ugly record that is completely contrary to his "campaign image." More so than most candidates which is just hard to do. Cruz might have him beat in that regard but Clinton and trump you cant pull that voting record on and those two are without question vile creatures.
    Death_Shark and DH32 like this.
  8. That has proved to be incorrect over and over again. There is no connection with jobs and taxation on the wealthy. Sure they want you to think that. Think of it this way, when unemployment rates shot up in 2008 the wealthy were paying the lowest effective tax rates in the history of this country (thanks to Bush). It is a fact there is no connection. That is amazing how the wealthy can scare people into thinking they will lose their job if they get taxed fairly.
  9. Who do you support?
    TsuriNeko likes this.
  10. The 2008 recession happened because banks made too much money (When a bank makes a loan, it is sometimes referred to as making money for those of you reading who don't know). It had nothing to do with taxation. People with wealth haven't scared us into thinking they will leave for another country along with jobs. They never said they would. But they have, and will continue to do so. The past 7 years of Obama's terrible economic policy has proved that they will leave time and time again. Tyco, Tronox, Eaton/Cooper, Meditronic, Actavis, Liberty Global, and many, many others have left. Why stay in America and pay insane taxes (and high labor costs) when you can go to a growing country that is happy to have you providing jobs and boosting their economy?
    Gawadrolt likes this.
  11. Self-governance

    Edit: dh32 said what I was thinking. I just facepalmed after reading that the employers don't care about taxes and moved on.
  12. I'm a CPA and MBA, I understand. You are talking about corporate tax rates or about individual tax rates? Yes, corporate tax code needs help. Individual tax rates we have among the lowest in the world. It's not corporate tax rates that Bernie is talking about. I understand very well what spurred the recession. My point was that there was no connection between the highest individual tax rates and unemployment. None at all. Research it.
    TuckerAmbr likes this.
  13. Okay. You are one those people.
  14. No, bernies plan focuses on taxing EMPLOYERS. saying he plans on raising taxes on the rich just sounds "nice"
    DH32 likes this.
  15. But when you drive up individual tax rates, the owners of these corporations get screwed (again). The owners are, for the most part, making healthy profits that they pocket. When Bernie says he's going to talk 1/2 of those profits, they'll ask themselves "Why shouldn't I leave, make my product for less, and keep my money?" Why shouldn't they?
  16. Dude, that is totally wrong. They cry it will hurt sole proprietorships or other flow through entities but it will not affect corporate tax rates. I give up. Yes the top 3% of earners should have to pay a tiny percentage compared the rest of us. That makes perfect sense to me. All the while our education system continues to fall behind the rest of the world. Do you know who Warren Buffet is? One of the richest men in the world and he feels the tax code in the United States in badly biased in favor of the rich. I'm not gonna continue to debate this with you but check out this: money.cnn.com/2013/03/04/news/.../buffett-secretary-taxes/
    There is no equity or fairness in the tax code of the US. While our children suffer. It's wrong!
    TuckerAmbr and Dr_Chocolate like this.
  17. One last note. In my position based on the current tax code I could structure your taxable transactions in such a way that even if your personal income was $500K you could pay zero tax. It's not that hard. The rich get away with this. Many Russian billionaires are investing in the US to take advantage of these tax rates/loopholes. And who ends up paying for their advantages - the rest of us. Sad as it is it's the truth. And we want to make Bernie a villain because he wants to fix this to help educate our children. That's so sad. Our children are our future.
    TuckerAmbr likes this.
  18. The reason there hasn't been real change has been exactly because of non-voters.
    SoulPunisher, StoneSky and 607 like this.
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