Sorry, a tie occured and Seanawesome14 resolved it. Winner: Dufne (3 votes) Safe: Dufne, Pab10s, Rhythmically, Mman, gladranger7, RealTomsmasher, Goldfish_Cannon, ShyguytheGamer1 Loser: GeneralWillikers (2 votes) Unsafe: Senpai_PinkCaker, Mischievous_Wolf, Guill, fBuilderS, nltimv, LtCaptainMe, EnderMagic1, Dr_Chocolate14, Jewel_King, SkeleTin007, Gawadrolt, BurgerKnight, NathanRP Round 4 will end 3/24 at 12:00 PM EMCT. Please vote.
Why, at the end, we get to choose who wins the game? I'd much rather choose who loses the game (Argh, should've phrased that differently, now I lost it myself >.<)
Close game but fBuilderS took the game in the end and BurgerKnight has been de-knighted and/or eaten. Round 5 has begun, please vote by 3/25. Winner: fBuilderS (6 votes) Safe: Shyguythegamer1, Senpai_PinkCaker, Mischievous_Wolf, Guill, fBuilderS, EnderMagic1, SkeleTin007, NathanRP, gladranger7 Loser: BurgerKnight (5 votes) Unsafe: nltimv, LtCaptainMe, Goldfish_Cannon, Dr_Chocolate, ESSELEM, Jewel_King, RealTomsmasher, Gawadrolt, Dufne, Pab10s, Rhythmically, Mman
I seem to always get out the staff, they must have an eternal hate for me. BK has my permission to burn me to rid sins
Concept: 4 staff in one box, 4 players in the other e.g I ------------------------------------ I I Eviltoade ----------I--- weeh ---I I --------------------- I ------------ I I RainbowKrysyy ---I DWMom I I ------------------------------------ I I -----fBuilderS---- I HannahEB I I ------------------- I --------------- I I Doofneh b ded --I theaustinx I Graphics of the year 2k15, it looked better when I made it and theres no safe zones and you can vote for anyone, the lowest voted person goes out. When we are down to 4 people they have to complete a challenge for a point, after multiple challenges we add up the point and announce the winning team
First to die in an all out battle wins and last to die gains immunity for the next round. 2nd person dead loses and no death can be intentional by the player. AE: No "extreme land diving" if you know what I mean
Winner: Mman (3 votes) Safe: Dufne, Pab10s, Rhythmically, Mman, gladranger7, jewel_king, Guill Loser: ESSELEM (3 votes) Unsafe: Shyguythegamer1, Senpai_PinkCaker, Mischievous_Wolf, fBuilderS, nltimv, LtCaptainMe, EnderMagic1, Goldfish_Cannon, Dr_Chocolate, SkeleTin007, RealTomsmasher, Gawadrolt, NathanRP The tie was resolved by BurgerKnight. Only 13 people to choose from this round, good luck! Please vote by 3/27
I wonder... could I influence the game even while I'm out? I might pick a player to help win the game, or something