Empire Minecraft is still 1.8 - 1.9.4 is near!

Discussion in 'Empire News' started by Krysyy, Feb 29, 2016.

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  1. I don't think anyone's gameplay experience is being hindered by no more eggs dropping from regular dragons, because that is already the case in vanilla. If Mojang made it so subsequent dragons dropped additional eggs, I'd say of course, let them drop eggs. You're not playing on a fresh world, though, so of course you can't get an egg from killing a dragon.

    The crystals are another story, and it does sound like they're being changed from vanilla to protect value, which I agree can be unfair; I'm not defending that decision.
  2. What value though? Don't they only appear once an egg is placed? The actual Ender Crystal itself is only available through commands prior to 1.9 right? So the egg owners still have their eggs and the rest could have a cool decoration. I can't see anymore value other then the materials to make it. I can't see an egg value dropping because I have a crystal either :p.
  3. Since only the few can place in town it would be protecting the uniqueness, the swag value.
  4. Exactly, and if they had used Sponge as a pedestal we would have had this conversation already if the ability to place Sponge were being withheld from the masses.

    I considered suggesting that a unique block should be developed to display an original Egg on. My fear with that is that it might be a cool looking block I want to build with. Which leads me back logically to the fact that all an Egg ever was was a display block. The ability to place Crystals isn't taking away any value they ever originally had.
  5. Well, for the few people who have had an ender crystal on their res for a while, that would no longer be special, because anyone could have them now. There's probably an ender crystal placed for each Original Dragon Egg, and the corresponding eggs may have switched hands, meaning some people have a placed crystal but no egg. Those people would lose a lot of value from ender crystals becoming placeable. That's what they're protecting.
    Rhythmically and God_Of_Gods like this.
  6. :rolleyes: I get changing rates for spawns and mob drops. This can affect the economy or even break it. Removing the ability to afk while receiving XP, again, an understandable change. This, I'm sorry, is just absurd lol Hopefully there are no unique flower pots then, was going to use them on a build :p

    According to that page only 1 crystal can be placed at a time per egg. It was said that eggs are being kept out because it's vanilla, as it would be in SP. Well in vanilla SP I can make a crystal.
    JesusPower2 and God_Of_Gods like this.
  7. What about placement of end crystals in established outposts in the wild?
    Rhythmically and ThaKloned like this.
  8. Why is this a thing? They already have the original dragon eggs which will probably never be put back into the economy. Why do they get the privelage of having the only ender crystals in town when they are now craftable?
    God_Of_Gods and ThaKloned like this.
  9. Even most of the veterans can only dream of having a end crystal, the owners aren't going to let them go. Theres only ?5? people with original dragon eggs, and 400 thousand without. Which crowd would you like to please the most?
    God_Of_Gods likes this.
  10. i would say something anti economist but i dont want a war
  11. go back to 1.8
  12. I have reconsidered the Crystal in Town thing, they will be placeable by all.

    We will give Original Owners the ability to keep the base on theirs (where as vanilla player placed ones do not have a base) and play with some other ideas.
  13. 2 things I like in 1.9 Are The Spectral Potion effect and That Ice Enchantment
  14. You, my friend, are the best server owner ever.
  15. im glad everything worked out on the Crystal subject :D
  16. Well said :D

    So happy that we can all use these. Will be great decorations!
    Birosquinha likes this.
  17. Staff, can you please aim to release Empire Minecraft 1.9 during a weekend day or on a Friday anytime after 2 p.m (EMC/EDT time)?
  18. Did you see that as off now there were no reported bugs related to the update. That's amazing. With any other update there would have be pages by now.
  19. would like to add the 1.9 ones are 1 block where the Original ones are 2x2 with a Bedrock Slab under it.... So I am sure players can tell the difference.
    ThaKloned likes this.
  20. Why are people concerned about placing Ender Crystals?

    Is it due to their explosive firepower?
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