Empire Minecraft News: December 2015

Discussion in 'Empire News' started by Krysyy, Dec 18, 2015.

  1. I don't think they egg them. I believe it was stated they use water to move them.

  2. Is this only in a single res, or res to res move? If so I'm going to be rupies farming like no bodys business lol
  3. I thought they were referring to regular players who use water to move them around, and that SS has a faster and more efficient way.
    Cross-res works too. Go farm those rupees =P
    ThaKloned likes this.
  4. It would be 4×5,000r, then one additional 10,000r. Total=30,000r.
    The changes were put in place to encourage players to pre-build their designs and limit time the senior staff have to take to complete them. It applies to first road edit, so adding a paste on later still costs 10,000 per paste.
  5. Correct. We cut and paste.
  6. Thank you for responding, That's gonna be handy, I have like 4 villagers on 3 different res' xD
    Getting them all to one, will be handy, since some of them are 1.7 villagers. (I have silk touch pick trade that I'm worried about xD)
  7. Would it be possible to do it with only 10,000r by having it prebuilt so that it only takes two pastes? One paste going east/west and one paste going north/south, both 120x6 builds?
  8. No, because residences don't work that way, lol
  9. Utopian.
  10. Hmm, now I see where you're coming from. :)
    Then, still no, because you also need to add the roads: 60+4+60 (or 4+60+4+60+4), which equals 124 blocks, which is just a little higher than the width/lenth of a utopia residence. You can save a bit though, by adding the little 4x4 square in the middle :)
  11. Oh yeah, actually, since I have the 2x2 residences, couldn't I actually build the entire '+' shape up in the sky, directly above the roads, and only require two pastes, directly down from where I build them? Then it should only cost 10k, yeah. The only thing is that the first would have to be a copy, not a cut, so the second still has the middle section. Then they'd need to do an additional "//set air", so that might cost more than 10k. Maybe they can be at different elevations, so it's a '|' with a '- -' above it, for example. Does that make sense?
    AyanamiKun and xHaro_Der like this.
  12. Cutting and pasting twice should work. The first one would be a '|' and the second one would be a '- -'.
  13. Sweet! Feels good actually winning something for once ;)
    AyanamiKun likes this.
  14. Congratz to all the winners!
    Happy December! :D
  15. Woot! Woot!! Congratz to all you winners of the contests! :D .. but to be honest, as to what Shel said, when ya vote yer always a winner. =D
    ShelLuser and AyanamiKun like this.
  16. Right, except the '- -' should actually be done before the '|' so the blank space doesn't overwrite the middle section. So, to SS+, would this bring the price down to 10-15k or something like that?
  17. That first sentence is literally like me trying to read Greek. Translation?
  18. Does it make sense in context? I'm basically describing a '+' shape being broken into its North/South line, '|', and its East/West line with a hole in the middle, '- -'. If you drew the two on top of each other, it would form a '+'. They are both 124x4 blocks, and the second has a 4x4 block space in the middle, so it's really two 60x4 pieces.
    Kytula likes this.
  19. Woah. Thanks. ;) Hadn't seen that there before. I was just assuming you were speaking in world edit.
    AyanamiKun and Uber_Corq like this.
  20. Hmm, thanks a lot. This will massively cut down the costs of my massive project :)

    A question: can senior staff also copy the roads from your own singleplayer world?