[AMA & Rant] 300 days of Empire Minecraft...

Discussion in 'Public Member Events' started by ShelLuser, Oct 3, 2015.

  1. I feel sorta out of the ordinary here, everyones "prominent" or distinguished...
    Here goes

    Happy day 300!

    If the pic isnt working....


    Why did you decide to be part of the contribution team?

    Number 91 please?
    ShelLuser and AyanamiKun like this.
  2. Question: I know you're Dutch, but what province are you from / do you live in?

    I'll take 11111111 (255)
    ShelLuser and TomvanWijnen like this.
  3. Happy b-day!i seriously thought you were older

    Would uou ever become a smp8 citizen?

    And 250
  4. 217 ;) congrats on 300 days old on EMC! What would you do if I lightly pushed you into a freezing lake? :p (Never gonna happen though)
    ShelLuser likes this.
  5. I wouldn't do anything.
    It would float away after you threw it.
  6. Ooh, AMA's are fun!
    Both asking and answering questions.
    I'm really glad you're with us, and I'm sure most people on here will agree with me on that one!
    I liked FinalArc's question, even though I had already expected the answer to be AyanamiKun ;)
    Good idea to indicate what number was last added in the OP. I hadn't seen that done before, but it's certainly clever.
    Hm... a question...
    well, let's do the number first, both because it's easier and because I'll forget otherwise.
    I could of course just choose the generic 16 (or has it been picked already? Ah, I don't care to check, I don't want it anyway...) but because numbers up to 300 are allowed, I'll go with something different: 127. Nice, right? I sure love 127.
    I think I have a question to ask as 607, even though it might not be a great one. I might think of a good one for OrangeDuck607 while biking. And no, my question is surprisingly not related to digital stuff.

    Do you practice any sports?
    ShelLuser likes this.
  7. The short answer is because I wanted to help out the Empire. To me EMC is much more than "just" a Minecraft server which is also one of the reasons why I like helping out other players if I can. One of my motto's, and you can quote me on this: What's good for the Empire is eventually also good for me. Think about it...

    The long answer is that I really enjoy write-ups (as I call 'm). Tutorials, stories, etc. But my main drive has always been to try and help out other players; I know how complex EMC can be at times... So at one time several players started suggesting that I should apply for the contribution team. And well, I sometimes write documentation as my profession, and in general many people like my work. So I figured that I could hopefully really help out the Empire with that.

    So far, so good. I've been a little out of the running during the past weeks, mainly because of work & some personal issues and sometimes lack of motivation. But I intend to pick things up real soon (right now I'm focusing more attention to my upcoming redstone tutorial, that needs to get epic).

    But in the end my main drive is to help out EMC.


    It's most likely going to happen someday, but here's the thing about me: I always make up my own mind and my own opinions. I don't follow public trends just because everyone else is doing it, I don't form an opinion based on a majority and most of all: I don't go overboard to join up with something just because its a popular thing to do.

    So yeah, I have no doubt that it's going to happen someday, but I don't see it happening anytime soon because I used up my 4 residence spots and I have no intention of leaving any of them (2 on SMP2, 1 on SMP5 and 1 on Utopia) because I really enjoy them.

    However... Honestly? Would I somehow get another free residence slot then it's almost certain that it would be used up on SMP8.

    Check to make sure that I'm wearing my skates :)


    Ah, you meant cold lake and not frozen lake, my bad! Ehm.. I'd try to remember that neat trick which my gf once taught me to tackle other people, even if they are much larger than you. At least making sure that I don't end up in the lake ;)

    Sort of, yes. Not officially but I like swimming, cycling and walking and do those on a regular basis.

    For example... I'm a fanatic scooter driver, I love that thing. Easily going 50km/hr in towns and around that same speed "buiten the kom" (outside residential / city areas). Every year I bring it to a scooter company for annual maintenance, I think that's very important. But they're in the next town, approx. 20km away from here. So it's not uncommon for me to bring it away, leave my gear there (helmet and gloves) and just take the rest of the day off to walk home (takes me approx. 1.5 hours).

    Of course when I go pick it up again I usually don't feel like it and simply take public transportation.

    So yeah :)
    Kytula, 607 and tuqueque like this.
  8. I meant the water was cold :p
    607 and ShelLuser like this.
  9. Do you think you tend to get along better with males or females? I mean, I know every individual is unique and different from other individuals, and lots of things differ from culture to culture too. But males often do have things in common with many other males that females don't often have, and the opposite goes for females.
    So this might be a hard question to answer, and you might not be able to get a good answer. But I think it's an interesting subject to talk about.
    For me, I think I generally get along better with females. My first three real friends on EMC were female, at least.

    Because 127 is already taken now, let's go with 256 now. That's a good number too, right?
    ShelLuser likes this.
  10. Nice, me too! :p
  11. Fixed ;)

    Hmm, in-game or in real life? ;)

    Anyway, in-game is easy: I don't know. That's also because I don't really care about player's gender. It honestly doesn't interest me in the least. Because of two reasons: first you can never be sure about it. It wouldn't be the first time that I found out someone was either male or female while I expected it the other way around. And that's only mentioning those who are open / honest about it.

    Second.. I don't think it matters. Either I like a player or I don't. That's the main important thing for me. It doesn't really matter to me if they're male or female. Sure there are differences between the genders but the same can be said about the same genders. For example: not all males like cars or bikes for example.
    Kytula and 607 like this.
  12. 3 hours; time for Le story bump :p

    During one day PEPIC, which is short for Princess Epic, wanted to start her own shop. But unfortunately she didn't have much things to sell. And so she decided to go onto an adventure: to find lots of nice things to sell in her shop. She quickly grabbed her horse and rode out into the lands.

    BUMP :p
    Kytula likes this.
  13. That's a good answer :)
    ShelLuser likes this.
  14. Phew, I was almost worried that no one wanted to say anything anymore because they're all hoping for more bumps :p

    Princess Epic went out into the lands and tried to find as many shops as she could find. Fortunately for her she remembered that she wasn't in Oakvale anymore, so she should be able to teleport! "Why did I even bring my horse with me?", she wondered...

    Le BUMP :)
    Kytula likes this.
  15. Congratulations on 300 great EMC days!

    OK just to get it out of the way, may I please have the number 77.
    Now the more interesting part ^_^ Have you ever considered becoming an author? I know due to work the majority of what you write is, code. But I mean an author of either fictional stories or of history/biographies. Because your train of thought, and manner of expressing yourself through written word, I find highly enjoyable to read.

    P.s. I know it's technically two questions, :p but since you like your scooter, and cycling. What are your thoughts on dirt bikes and/or atv's? Personally I find dirt bikes across a large open field to be the best ^_^ better than any amusement park ride.
    607 and ShelLuser like this.
  16. Sort of, yes.

    Because many people tend to like my guides and write-ups (not just here on EMC, also on other places, even IT related areas) I started a company / commercial project to assist companies with handling / setting up documentation. That was somewhat of a success. Still, that's not exactly a story ;)

    But yeah, I have thought about it a few times but so far never followed up on it. Maybe I will someday, but not any time soon I think. But who knows... So far my EMC fantasy story seems to work out decently enough, might be a good way for me to get a little experience with this. Though I do have some help there of course.

    Oh, I don't mind. Besides; some players didn't use up their questions (yet?) so it should be just fine ;)

    I never drove a dirt bike before, and I also don't really care for atv's. ATV's is nice and all but I really enjoy the 2 wheel driving experience when I ride my scooter or motorbike. The whole "driving with your butt " (serious, also knees when on the bike) is addictive.

    However... I do heavily enjoy driving through rough terrain every once in a while. Using both vehicles even (scooter is easy; just open the throttle and you're off, a bike otoh... although I usually keep 2nd gear). I don't really go out looking for these by the way, but whenever there's some construction work going on in a city its not uncommon for cyclists and scooters to be directed across it. And I love doing that from time to time. I'm totally not allowed to whenever my gf is with me, but otherwise...

    Not so much trying to go from a to b as fast as possible, but I always make it a sport to pass the whole thing without getting a foot onto the ground. Which can sometimes be quite tricky, depending of course on the terrain. Like I said, my gf hates it when I do that (and when I do go out for a tour we usually go together) but yeah...
    607 and Kytula like this.
  17. Not looking to enter giveaway, just wanted to say Congrats on 300 days :)
    ShelLuser likes this.
  18. Time for me to get serious for a sec:
    Shel, you are one of the people I admire the most in the EMC community. You have a level head, a good moral compass, are extremely well versed, and always make very insightful posts. It's been great having you around for the past 300 days, and I hope for you to be around for at least 300 more. Cheers.

    Now for my question. I have thought over this carefully, and am prepared to start a war.

    Is it pronounced GIF (hard g) or GIF (soft g)?
    ShelLuser and 607 like this.
  19. Congrats on your 300th Shel :)

    If I had to pick a number, it would be 177 for me.
    But anyways, congrats buddy!
    ShelLuser likes this.
  20. Soft g? I've never heard anyone speaking English pronouncing it like that :p Unless you mean something else with "soft g". I'd describe the sounds commonly used in the argument as hard g and j.
    ShelLuser likes this.