Whats all this about unicorns going on with the staff?!

Discussion in 'Community Discussion' started by Dim5678, Aug 10, 2015.

  1. Ban Message:
    You are banned by KrysyyJane9191 Reason: Hating Unicorns

  2. *edits "hate"out of post* Where is your proof? Mwuahahah!
  3. So, typical random EMC thing with no insidious motives?
    I am surprised, and yet not. Also vaguely disappointed.
    607, ShelLuser, Hashhog and 1 other person like this.
  4. Disappointed in the unicorns? How dare you!
  5. Disappointed that there is no evil or sinister plot linked to their invasion.
    607, Hashhog and TromboneSteve like this.
  6. Besides the part where everyone got blown up at the taco event put on to celebrate the unicorns?
  7. No...
    You must resist.
    No matter how tempting it looks, you mustn't give in.
    That is how they get you...
  8. *Look into my Unitoade eyes......give in. Give innnnnnn.
    607, ShelLuser, DWmom and 2 others like this.
  9. I guess no one has found the unicorn's in the wastelands yet
    Damiensmom11 and TromboneSteve like this.
  10. Resistance is futile... You will be assimilated. Mwahahahaha. :D
  11. It's our life. We're unicorns. We where born them.
    ShelLuser and TromboneSteve like this.
  12. This is what happens when your leader is an automaton I guess. Damn robot unicorns always taking over the world. :rolleyes:
  13. they will be victorous you watch :p we will all be serving the robot overlords one day :p
    Kephras likes this.
  14. I will stay in my ship so I can cast out our robot supreme harhar
  15. I... Will... FIGHT
  16. You will succumb to the unicorns.... You must... :rolleyes:
    Damiensmom11 likes this.
  17. And the answer is...

    FDNY21 likes this.
  18. dot.
  19. Well, I figured that out because I'm still typing.
    607 and ShelLuser like this.