A desktop PC. As handy as a gaming laptop is, it isn't really doing me any good when it comes to upgrading or Linux. Some more pony blindbag figures (and maybe some other stuff).... I like to collect things.... Shut up. A way to keep Photoshop forever. A bigger USB drive for my LiveUSB's. Money because obvious. A full scale portal device, not this cheap one I have. Some sort of plush of any sort. My own Netflix account. A deeper voice. Profit. The cat's PJ's. Mining bitcoins is a worthless endeavor at this point. The gold rush is over.
I wish for: -A faster computer so I can actually close Minecraft without making my music pause or skip because of how slow it is. -Recording equipment, try my luck at Youtube Fame playing games, as if there weren't enough people trying to do that already. -Friends to play said games with, because it's pretty boring playing something by yourself, talking to yourself, pretending that that horse in AC3 whose been following you across the Frontier for a while now. yeah, that one that you rode for 5 seconds in New York, but it followed you the whole time to the Frontier until you started to climb trees and jump through them for a while and then you fall down and it's right there, breathing down your neck, plotting your death...... Ahem. That's my list. I think I should have wished for the ability to read minds, so I could have told whether or not the horse actually meant me harm. (I tried killing it, but the damn thing was immortal. IMMORTAL I TELL YOU!)
These are pretty fun to see what people. One more thing for me, I've always wanted to go watch Chelsea at Stamford Bridge
1. Teleportation abilities and/or flight 2. Rims for my car 3. PS4 and/or gaming laptop 4. A job 5. Private F-16
Actually to add onto my second wish: I wish I didn't screw up so much at the perfect moments that I'll never get to revisit
But in all honesty, I don't find myself wanting much. I'm pretty content with what I have. Plus, wishes kind of feel like cheating, and when you just cheat to get everything you want it'll never actually satisfy you.
Why get an F-16? An F35-B is best. So my wish list... 1. No allergies 2. No Braces 3. A better technology system at my school 4. A homemade computer so that my laptop doesn't stop running out of memory... 5. A private F35-B
Agreed, only people with huge dedicated mining rigs can get anything out of mining, like ASIC, GPU or pool miners. Also, in relation to not being able to keep Photoshop forever, there is a way. However, it is one of those things frowned on by THE music and software industry. It's piracy. A person who partake in it is known as a PIRATE, and they're the kind of person the authorities want to keep at BAY.