Your Paranormal Experience?

Discussion in 'Miscellaneous' started by Ritunn, Apr 10, 2017.


Have You Had a Paranormal Experience?

Yes 12 vote(s) 52.2%
No 4 vote(s) 17.4%
Too Spooky For Me Bro 7 vote(s) 30.4%
  1. Oh I wouldn't say that it's fake. Though now you do got me thinking hard on what in the world that thing could be, maybe a Mare? I'm not to sure. Could easily be some spirit, evil perhaps, well definitely evil. I'll have to look into that, disfigured things don't come up often.
  2. Well what ever it is it's gone... demoed the house in 2009. And the land was sold to the neighbour who turned it into a garden. :)
  3. So I looked around the Internet quick and found some things that might fit deformed or mishapen. The Invuche of Chile is a man who has his leg bent around his body and walks of 1 foot and 2 hands. Then there other candidate is my favorite who I can't believe I forgot, the Domovoi.

    Looks like a terrible old man, hides in houses and helps out with housework. If you anger it (don't feed it, insult it, ect...) it may try to strangle you, cut you, kill you, or burn you alive, as well as the house. Not the nicest thing in the world if you don't take care of it. Only problem is that it lives in Russia. I got a feeling it could be some sort of house spirit though.
    finch_rocks_1 likes this.
  4. damn yo got me spooked...
    I feel like i've written about this somewhere already but basically im a muslim and we believe that there's another race of intelligent beings called Jinn, and they're made of fire and can morph to appear in different forms n all that. So I've had a lot of weird encounters with things like that, one that comes to mind is we were driving to a different province in Pakistan sometime in midnight, so it was a dark road with just nothingness all around. Suddenly we saw an old man limping along the side of the road, and since we were basically in the middle of nowhere we pulled over to see what was up. When we stopped near him, he turned around and that sight still freaks me out lol. The dude was like all blue, not the kind of blue you turn when you're suffocating but like bright cobalt blue and his hands and feet were on backwards, and his eyes were yellow and his pupils were red we were just like holy shit and got out of there
  5. I have never had any of these strange experiences. However, I hate the dark and always feel like someone is watching. :p
    lol Rename the thread to "True Horror Experiences"
  6. Watch the movie Lights Out. Should make it a bit worse lol.
  7. No thanks..
  8. This seems like the perfect spot for me to get myself locked up. (Sarcastic joke. If I make you feel humor at any level, you will listen to me hoping to feel more humor. This tactic is a bait and switch used in almost every speech ever.)

    Once I end the narrative and enact the script to post, I give up the narrative.

    The hope is that I have formed the narrative in such a way that it cannot be disassembled by the reader.

    The reader will form their own narrative filling in the holes with their own perception of reality.

    I realize that the reader will undoubtedly skim over, make assumptions, and just plain not understand and substitute their own understanding. (This is the result with an intelligent reader and is the closest thing to clear communication.)

    Now that a foundation has been laid, I must begin. I do not know if there is a god, life after death, the paranormal, multiple dimensions, true free will, simulated reality, ancient aliens....the list goes on. I can say that at one point I believed in a god, been convinced of the paranormal, seen with my own eyes travel between dimensions, statistically proven we are in a simulated reality.

    At this point I know I am about to lose some of my audience. Please stick with me or you'll miss my point. I haven't made one yet.

    Stories are how we share our relative perspectives of reality. I'll paraphrase a parable without credit. A king had several blind men touch parts of an elephant and describe what an elephant is like. The man touching a leg said a tree, the man with the tail a snake, the man with the ear a heavy blanket, the end of the tail a broom. The men argued till they came to blows over what an elephant is like.

    Its a nice parable and it makes a point.....
    about blind men with a narrow scope and a dickish king.

    What stopped the blind men from touching all the areas of the elephant each respectively to get a better idea.
    Presumably the king wouldn't allow that so he could be entertained at the expense of these blind men.
    Lets say the blind men could explore the whole elephant.
    They still would not know what the elephant looks like, but they do know how it feels.
    Conversely the king knows what it looks like but not how it feels (hypothetically).
    Now two parties share a similar map, not the same, but similar enough to talk about the elephant in peace.

    So what the take away from all this mess I've made of this story.
    It is hubris to assume you have the whole picture or even the whole piece of a puzzle in a museum of a city on a planet on a bump on a log on a frog in a simulated reality.

    Now if I stop here, that is dangerous. It would allow entropy to take over, and it may do just that regardless of my efforts.

    The best I can do is ask you to realize what science can be. Not a story or narrative, but a tool to measure the story.
    Shadow_Dcord likes this.
  9. Shouldn't have come back here at 5AM. Damn it.
  10. Lol
  11. My personal paranormal experience?
    I have an unnatural, almost freakish ability of foresight in real life.
    I sometimes blank out and see something in relation to something else.
    For example:
    • That one time me and my friend Lenny had to decide to between two trains, an old one and a new one. I got the image of Grand Central station in my head, and figured to take the older train since GCS is pretty old. Surely enough the newer one had a crazy guy on board who smashed open a window so everyone had to lose their seats and get off while we kept going.
    • Those two times I almost got hit by a car but narrowly missed doing so because I saw an image of myself being hit by a car.
    • That time I saw an image of an old man with a bloody hole in his hand. My grandpa that same day cut open a hole for a new door knob and ended up getting a sphere shaped cut in his palm from the carved out piece.
    I sometimes genuinely wonder if I have super powers sometimes.
    Icestra and Shadow_Dcord like this.
  12. What you describe is something lots of kids experience, quite common actually. Typically described as Déja Vu, there are odd ways to explain what might have occurred. I will say that forsight is one thing I don't believe in and never will, mostly because of mediums.
  13. Thank you.
    synth_apparition likes this.
  14. Yeah, but DejaVu can only occur for something extremely recent, or something you've already seen before. And I don't have a 100% clear picture of what happens, just something related to it. The train thing couldn't have been Deja Vu, because in that scenario there were minutes between me seeing the image and then the event happening, and it was an event I haven't seen happen on a train before.
    Also I'm like 6'4' and closing in on 17. Not quite a child anymore unfortunately XD
  15. Well, to be honest I do believe in it. Not because of those charlatan fortune tellers which claim to read their tarot cards and all (even though I personally believe that tarot can work). Thing is: all they're after is a paycheck.

    But that doesn't make it impossible. Not sure if you can call this paranormal though but....

    Somewhere last year my girlfriend came over and as is custom I picked her up from the busstation and we went to a supermarket on the way back to my place to pick up some groceries and such. After we paid and put all the stuff in the shopping bag we walked towards the exit to put the cart back.

    Just for context: cart stand is at the back (outside on the parking lot), and the shops exit is 1 - 2 meters away from a road (part of the parking lot) which you need to cross in order to reach the cart stand.

    So I had grabbed the bag, and walked behind my girlfriend who was getting ready to put the cart back, we were a few steps away from the actual exit.

    Now, I'm not fully sure what exactly happened but at one point I got a seriously unpleasant sensation coming over me. I felt massively uncomfortable, felt panicked, and almost felt like dropping the bag and making a run for it yet while that happened I did look around but there was nothing to be afraid off. There was also not much to see; no windows or anything just walls and the door with a view of the cart stand we were heading for.

    Yet that's what I was (I think, I can't really describe it). My girlfriend recalls that I grabbed her by the shoulder and pulled her back quite forcefully so that she almost tripped, I don't quite recall myself.

    So the next moment a car crashes into the cart stand.

    No major damage, it wasn't total destruction or anything (basically the car crashed onto a metal fence there and ended up with a serious dent in the front bender) but still... That was a very weird experience and I'm still not fully sure what to make of that.
  16. Not too sure what to make of either of the experiences both of you had. I've had similar experiences, but the most reasonable I can give both of you is instinct that you can't control nor understand.
  17. Spooky bump.
  18. So, last night I was rewatching Stranger Things and at eleven o clock the lights in my closet started flickering on and off, which is creepy all on its own, but also these lights have been dead for almost a year now. Then I'm fairly certain my brain freaked out and I started seeing a shadow pacing back and forth along the wall.

    Needless to say I was scared out of my mind and just sort of lied there paralyzed for an hour or so until I got the courage to move and roll over.
    _Devil__, Icestra and Shadow_Dcord like this.
  19. I mean, hey, at least you were watching Stranger Things. I'd be willing to continue watching that show even if I had a ghost do the most scary possible things in the same room as me while I'm watching it.
    FluffeMarshmallo likes this.
  20. One paranormal experience I had:

    I found myself in a drive through at a McDonald's ordering chicken nuggets.

    Okay to be real: I was asleep. In my dream, I came across a building that had the words "YOU ARE A LIAR" and another statement below that I cannot remember.
    I said that phrase and then the dream actually responded. In a deep and dark voice like Satan, it said "NO, I'M NOT A LIAR" and when the dream said this, it held my throat with my eyes wide open where I can see my room. After that, I was in sleep paralysis for at least 10 minutes before I almost fell down getting down from my bed's ladder.

    At this moment I knew my mind was messed up. I think I need a psychologist.
    Shadow_Dcord likes this.