Wild outposts knowledge exchange

Discussion in 'Frontier and Player Outposts' started by zulu9, Jul 27, 2012.

  1. Here's a tip: Don't get ahead of yourself on project having 2 or 3 are good keeps busy but having to many will overwhelm you :) make a chest outside your house saying give and take chest you can put surplus or unwanted items in the chest "someone trash is another's treasure"
    shavingfoam and zulu9 like this.
  2. *Bumping*

    How are the other wild outposts doing?
    Things at the LLO are going well. Still expanding and making it prettier :)
    IamSaj likes this.
  3. TIP: Food. Extremely crucial to starting an outpost. Mooshroom stations with free bowls for others to use are very helpful. Farms work well but are slower. I reccomend you bring lots of food with you first.
    TIP: Make your base far, but not so far that people die walking there. Be ready to guild people there as well.
    imBobertRobert likes this.
  4. TIP:
    Communicate. Like a lot. It is not an accident the LLO thread got so big. Announce projects, report griefings, discuss community builds. If the thread gets to big make some external FAQ or even a small site like for the LLO. There are easy tools like google docs or some free site hosters. Do not outsource the forum tho and do not require a login to view the conents. Some LLO organizations tried that and failed mostly. Keep the conversation on the EMC forum, just outsource the standard questions and maybe some organizational things.
    Dwight5273 likes this.
  5. tip for individual players: if you cant afford a chest lock, try and make your storage space underground near a lava cavern. chests can be place in the lava and not burn! if you surround the chest with still or moving lava, it will be completely invisible to the naked eye and the x-ray texture pack. another way would be to cover each chest with some iron ore (preferably single chest only) since it isnt a very valuable item to get, but is still an ore.
  6. For people running an outpost:
    Fund chest locks for new players. 1k is not much if you think he / she will build a nice house or community build. One large chest can make a huge difference. You can set the lock so you got access too. For new players this can either server so you can give them stuff or check if they are stealing (and stupid enough to put it in that chest ;) )
    imBobertRobert likes this.
  7. make your houses out of cobblestone, or other non-flammable materials, or at least cover the roofs with a non-flammable material. that way the frequent lightning storms wont burn down your house.
    and dont build a fireplace unless you know what you are doing. REMEMBER: in 1.3 wood slabs can now burn just like wood planks and stairs! you have been warned.
    zulu9 likes this.
  8. And also remember that lava will light anything nearby on fire...even if it's completely sealed. I learnt that the hard way when the lava in my smooth stone generator burned down my tree farm...in town :confused:
    Bu11dawg and mba2012 like this.
  9. And if you have enough space make big creations such as the West Gate Bridge at the LLO.
    zulu9 and shavingfoam like this.
  10. The whole point to go to the wild is to build big eventually.
    However I would not start with such projects. Make community farms and housing first. Get a sense of who is good at what. You do not need a big rail system or massive bridges from the start. Those things will come naturally once the community expands.

    That said mba is right in that you should keep later bigger projects in mind. Do not build too crowded from the beginning or it will be harder to get rail stations or other infrastructure there later.
    mba2012 likes this.
  11. im starting an outpost on smp3 called the barbecue beach outpost
    Cchiarell6914 and zulu9 like this.
  12. Good luck! Let us know how it goes :)
  13. Make sure too make tons of food stations, as people kill them off easily.
    mba2012 and zulu9 like this.
  14. If people go to town they can bring mooshroom eggs. Egging in the wild costs 100r so even if you got a community farm it might be cheaper to get them in town.
  15. Paradise Point Outpost got mass briefed, it's so bad that we have to quit on it.
    Everything we had is gone, except for in locked chests.
  16. I am sooooo sorry. The LLO just seems to have a thing to it that makes everyone not want to grief.
  17. Don't let the griefers win. Ever. If you come back, they'll know not to mess with you.
    Cchiarell6914 and zulu9 like this.
  18. I am so sorry to hear that. Do not give up. Let the community know if you need help.
    A few people from town donating chests full of resources can make a huge difference!
    Don't let the griefers win!
    If the location was too close to spawn rebuild a few hundred or thousand blocks away.
  19. We were really far out. I think the plan is going to be something like this:
    (Well, for me mainly)
    a.) Take stuff from PPO to town.
    b.) Sort through stuff in town
    c.) Relocate PPO to a flatter area, also further out than what we are now.

    Donations are welcomed to the new project.
    Cchiarell6914 and mba2012 like this.
  20. DANG it. Just logged on, and it's done for. :/ I shouldn't have gave those coords..... people probably asked for coords and weren't even accepted... I didn't check... it was probably my fault......... that PPO is destroyed