Why do some players need to wait for MONTHS?

Discussion in 'Frontier and Player Outposts' started by ShelLuser, Jun 12, 2017.

  1. Hi gang,

    I suppose this could be somewhat of a controversial topic but because this is all about the Frontier I decided this is the better place. I also need to stress out that I don't necessarily criticise staff here, but I do want to raise a concern I have, one which - in my opinion - leaves room for improvement.

    So here's the problem: ever since I became the (proud) founder of an established outpost I also started paying more attention to the requests pending thread. Simply because I went through the whole procedure myself and I like to help out others with theirs if I can. During this time I became aware of some requests where it took staff months to come to a decision. That is (somewhat) frustrating to me, because I don't think this is fair towards those players anymore.

    Now don't get me wrong: I started digging a bit and think I can see what is happening (or so I assume). Apparently staff is trying to help out players by contacting the surrounding outpost owners / founders (trying to) in order to get them to grant permission. That is a very nice thing of staff to do for us players. But despite the fact that I think staff has the best intentions here I still think it's backfiring. Because now players sometimes get to wait for months (3 - 4 is what I've noticed in a few unrelated cases), which I think is becoming unfair.

    And it shouldn't be needed. Although this maybe more harsher on players to plain out deny a request it also gives us certainty so that we (quickly) know where we stand. That allows you to move on or try again, and all at a time where nothing much has happened yet.

    The reason I "complain" are these rules:

    I underlined the part which I think is important here. Shouldn't it be the responsibility of the player instead of the staff member to sort this out? And shouldn't it be a reason for denial when the player can't deliver this proof within a respective (but not too long!) timespan (2 - 4 weeks?).

    Honestly: I think staff has the best of intentions here, I really do. But I also think that it is in the players best interest not to let an establishment request carry on for almost half a year, instead have it denied based on the fact that it's too close to another outpost so that the player gets certainty and can carry on. Something which becomes harder and harder if the player(s) involved have already started building something.

    As some of you know I've helped tons of players, at least I'm (usually) giving it my best whenever needed. But if there's one thing I learned over the years it's that sometimes the best way to help someone out is by not helping them and instead guiding them.

    I think the same applies here.

    Food for thought?
    CloverOcean, Jelle68 and The_Mancub like this.
  2. Going to bump this (for the first and last time) because I don't like seeing people take on a job and then seemingly not living up to the end results.

    If you want to call yourself professional then act on it. Maybe by applying these things 2 ways: rules for players and staff. For example by making a promise that when a player applies for a region they'll get a response within 2 (or 3) weeks. I mean seriously.. how could that be an issue with a whole staff team on your end?

    And I seriously don't think I'm asking for that much effort here either.

    See, my problem here is that I became painfully aware of several staff members who lost all their grip with the actual game. 40 minutes of decreased effort has become a "minor setback" to them. Yah... your world and that of those who actually play this game guys.
  3. Staff handle these things, there is nothing any of us can do so these threads are for what? Cause drama? Complain publicly? Any concerns should be taken up with the staff & Krysyy. Posting here doesn't really do anything other then stir things up. Why you continually feel the need to publicly pull this stuff up is beyond absurd.
  4. (my own thoughts here)

    I find it interesting that, in regards to outpost processing, my personal impression of the summer months seems so opposite of yours. To me, it seems like there has been a huge upswing in establishment requests, and they been processed very quickly. If anything I've wanted to give a shout of praise to staff who have stayed on top of these.

    Your suggestion of a response within 2-3 weeks seem pretty lenient to me ;)

    In the guidelines sticky post, players are encouraged to contact staff if they have not received a response after a week. If you personally see a thread go a week without a response, please also encourage the player to pm staff. I think some players may hesitate about this.

    I personally let a month pass on my request before I PM'd staff. And you know what happened? I got an apology that it was missed and it was handled right then. I should have PM'd staff sooner.

    I'd encourage those players to contact staff, share their experience and discuss ways to improve the process! Based on the loose description I can only ask more questions...why did it take months? was the owner involved and informed? did the owner get a say in setting a deadline? Very curious because the kind of experience you describe doesn't match my own experience with the process.
    ThaKloned likes this.
  5. So I noted each with a letter I'll do em in order cept d...
    d) ShelLuser from in game to in forum you are very helpful and have the best intentions for the server and players in mind it seems at all time. I do believe you give it your best and that includes this post even if for once I don't see eye to eye with you 100%.

    a) I agree with the timeliness of this and think that there should be some sort of status on this stuff to where you can approve, decline or note pending and for what reasons. This last one gives those requesting the option of just moving on and dropping this claim. the unknown and long time for an answer is not good.

    b) Makes sense they do this. It's like how I've been scorned for in my attempts to try to get some land near spawn. Part of the attraction of EMC is both rules and its burdens come from the fact that there is no resets and even if have become inactive your old builds can live on through many means. I do hope that empires comes sooner than later and allows wider expanded use of the frontier with ease of access. This will help alleviate many of the space issues and overlaps in area we see today.

    c) I completely don't think should happen.
    - To many he said/she said types of things could happen even if things were approved person to person if there was a falling out or when one claim bumped in to close to another.
    - To boot, many claims go undocumented so how would a player know what other players to contact in the event of a large outpost that is pretty much abandoned.
    - Plus, I can already attest to a mod or staff member getting responses from active and inactive players much easier than a player, especially a newer one they don't know.