Sadie you got this!!! Don't give up!! I will always be here if you need someone to vent too <3 I am PROUD of you!
The class in particular i'm worried about is a required course... based on group work. I was given a group that could care less- and it's threatening my grade. I should be working on a project due *tomorrow* because of the lazy jerks, but I'm too tired to even try... I kinda gave up.... Keeping in mind- I've been waiting on them for a month, and I got home from a rough day after leaving a club meeting an hour early (even though I seriously should've stayed, as I am an officer for said club)
Perhaps speaking with your professor would help? Perhaps show everything you’ve done for this group. Then express your concern. I know it may sound mean. But rules are there for a reason. I know when we had group projects, and people wanted to be lazy or not care. We could show what we did and then show what they did. Typically they didn’t fail us based on the others. It’s worth a shot! If there’s anything I can do let me know ok?!
*teacher- i'm still a senior, mind you. But, they've failed to do several assignments in the past and the teacher now ranks us as "lazy" and thus will not give time. I already tried that, and she just wound up getting angry at me about it... I basically gave up, I may as well take a zero. there's no way I can do research and write a rough draft in less than 4 hours... I may even fall asleep working if I try, and then still fail.
Hmmmm well. I wish I knew more to help. Perhaps speak with your guidance counselor? Sorry that sounded like a college class. Lol. But congrats on being a Senior. It’s still early in the year. You’ll get this!!
I can't wait for the next semester- freedom from that course. it honestly feels like a college course... but my counselor is on maternity leave and I don't like the intern fill-in.... if I start failing the class, then i'll go to her, but for now, i'm trying to put off the burn out and stand tall... "Senior year will be easy" they said.. and it's been my hardest yet.
It is going to be the roughest, they are trying to prepare you for college....It sucks.....Im sorry but hey I Can promise you something it will get better my friend you'll see! Chin up!
You always have us the EMC Community as friends! I know that everyone's situation may be different. Making friends can be a very anxiety induced stress. I am proud of you for that! I look forward to seeing more of you around! <3
I have 2 things 1 building a perfect circle in minecraft 2 spelling word in English (I'm from the UK and I can't do English well
Another thing I'm proud of is actually going to college! I was fearing college for a long time because high school was already stressful enough with the work we had to do, not to mention that I had (and still don't) no idea how to take notes or study, but now I'm going to an art academy half-time so I can make myself a future in doing art!
Cool! I only got to 7x when I learnt Japanese last summer. But I quit Duolingo before I paused my learning of Japanese altogether, as Duolingo's Japanese course is still in beta, and the further I got, the more issues I encountered. What language(s) are you doing?
OH. MY. GOSH. I will never get over my fear geez no no no... making me shake thinking of it. Well I don't have much to be proud of. Last night I was having an anxiety attack and i got myself out of it pretty well, because I've never had one before. My friend just told me to breathe, but it happened because I had this terrifying dream the night before and woke up paralyzed (sleep paralysis) and I was just so scared to go back to sleep. I can be proud of making it to 8th grade, and I hope to make it to more! Since I was 10 I've been having to be almost too independent, making my own money, paying for my own clothes, and organizing almost everything on my own. It's a burden that's becoming so deep this year but I keep pulling through! The sad part is I feel alone a lot at home, because I only feel safe either alone or in-game. My player in-game is very different from my figure irl. I am extroverted in minecraft, and very insecure and introverted irl. I hope to improve myself by a few other things, but reaching out to some close friends in-game has helped. So I guess I'm proud of making great friends online, and I still hope to find more! (sorry for so many texts to read xD) Edit: oh geez this got deep, but it feels nice to 'come out' I guess!
That's quite the post! I don't 'like' this for the content, but because of the courage with which it was written.
Finding the courage to post that one semi-depressing intro thread a few months ago Getting over stammering constantly and creating my YouTube channel Somehow getting through all the stressful situations I've been in recently (school, etc.) and still finding time to play Minecraft and chat with friends on Discord Being in 11th grade in high school and a student at the local community college simultaneously (main reason I haven't been as active, there's a hugeeee work load) Making this post, because posting these kinds of things can be hard for me EDIT: Just remembered this one - Sharing my drawings, character art, etc. with others This thread was a great idea! Thanks for creating it!