Whats next for EMC?

Discussion in 'Empire News' started by JustinGuy, Apr 4, 2012.

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  1. Well put, my friend. Well put.
    SecretAznEks and roblikescake like this.
  2. The only advantage of being popular is being larger. The only advantage of being larger is having more potential players donating. However, we get enough players donating already to make the improvements we need.
    smile3 likes this.
  3. Obviously more donators arose. It's a great game. I can count up to 5 new ones since i've been here... and i only joined less than a week ago!
  4. Yeah, I've met lots of new players and supporters over the last couple months. It seems that the number of supporters is constantly increasing. However, there are just as many people who stop supporting. I like to consider myself one of those who won't stop supporting until:
    a) I die
    b) I run out of funds
    c) I stop playing minecraft altogether.

    I don't see any of those three things happening in the near future, so looks like I'll be blue for a while :D
  5. hmmm maybe adding the car mod? you guys have roads ( sort of ) and it would add to the fun of this server
  6. I'd love to support as diamond but i do not have the money for 20$ a month. I can't even do 5 a month. Dam allowance -.-
  7. *insert 'how bout no' meme here*
    it wouldn't work, simply because everyone would have to install it. Plus, the staff are strongly against creating plugins that add items to the game.
  8. oh well i tried didnt I ? i guess trying to keep it as vanilla as possible is understandable.

  9. couldnt resist :p
  10. snozles, 0005192 and nab27 like this.
  11. Secret good one here's another

  12. haha :p meme war :p
  13. how in the world do people have those achievement get things?
  14. and i saw another server with a plugin were you could shoot torches out of your bow ... great for lighting up high areas! plugin ideas .........
  15. test
    i think i installed the achievement right
  16. There's a thing called an edit button.... Pretty useful.
    Use the achievement generator, then copy the Forum BB Code and put it in here.
  17. Not too long ago, I sent a PM to Justin. He replied within 24 hours. My message had absolutely nothing important in it, and he still replied.

    It's amazing to hear back like that so quickly. It is clear that he pays attention to this community. It shows that he cares. If he and Jeremy do not take anything monetary... I think they should.

    How many people work, and come home to more work? Think about it....
  18. Well, think of it this way. Justin must love what he does, otherwise we wouldn't be here, at the stage we are. So its more like 'How many people do something they love, and then go to work to do it some more?'
    nightmare32808 and bonzd67 like this.
  19. I see what you did there. Nice!
    nerone94 likes this.
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