What kind of Minecraft player are you?

Discussion in 'Community Discussion' started by ShelLuser, Aug 22, 2018.


What kind of Minecraft player are you?

Poll closed Oct 3, 2018.
Miner / explorer => Traveling the land with my pick in hand! 3 vote(s) 9.7%
Fighter / PvP'er => Fear! Because me and my Sharpness V sword are here! 1 vote(s) 3.2%
Hoarder => Blocks and items? Gotta get 'm all! 2 vote(s) 6.5%
Builder => A good storage is an empty storage, with a castle around it! 3 vote(s) 9.7%
Engineer => Redstone, because wants to open a door with their hands? 3 vote(s) 9.7%
Gamer => Events and mini-games is where the fun begins. 1 vote(s) 3.2%
Designer => It's not what the game can do for you, it's what you can build to the game. 2 vote(s) 6.5%
All of the above. 1 vote(s) 3.2%
Some of the above. 12 vote(s) 38.7%
I game, therefor I am! (maybe you can explain in a message below?). 3 vote(s) 9.7%
  1. Hi gang!

    So a few weeks ago it finally happened.. that dreaded moment which I knew was to happen sooner or later. I had just finished work and figured I'd play a quick run of Minecraft survival before turning in. It's a hardcore game which I had just upgraded to 1.13 the other day and well...

    I loaded the level, I looked around the stuff I had build and basically grew bored with it, even though there was plenty to do. Like trying to find an Elytra for example.

    Anyway, I closed the game and then decided to finally upgrade my redstone world to 1.13 and have some fun trying to repair all the stuff which would no doubt break. Which I have to admit was quite fun to do. I even learned a few new things when it comes to "programming" books (did you know that you can easily personalize a book in Minecraft so that it mentions your (the readers) name?).

    And that got me thinking... there are so many different things which you can do in Minecraft these days that it's almost impossible to name 'm all. But I can try! :D

    And because I'm curious... I figured I'd also ask the EMC community. What kind of player are you?
    Lukas3226 and 607 like this.
  2. i would be the guy that everybody hates who just sits up on a ledge with a bow and just camps there

    also im kinda a hardcore gamer
  3. The one that lost interest in the game and lurks on the forum :p
  4. lol
    (the forum stalker?)
  5. Builder.

    I would never call myself a great builder, but when it comes to most things I can pull it off. So far, I have constructed a huge village, which imo is super detailed, and I have constructed my own underground mancave which is basically like my home. I even have my own underground wonderland which I am building to have some psychadelic or alice in wonderland vibes.

    Btw shel, you still need to check my place out!

    The next thing I would say is explorer/miner. Although I see many players on EMC who are way more driven in that area, I do enjoy taking a break from building and just going down into my huge cave system and exploring every single dark space. I also love to fly with my elytra and explore new places.

    I'm definitely not an Engineer or hoarder.

    When I build my redstone stuff I usually google tutorials, so I wouldn't consider myself an engineer. As for hoarding, I don't like collecting promos very much, since it's just a vanilla item with a special name and text which no one will ever care for, because lets be honest, it's just a bunch of pixels.

    I'm not that great at designing stuff either, I don't like planning builds ahead, I just build!
  6. I like the options in the poll, well written. :) I just don't get the last one... is it an 'Other' option, or is the 'Other' option missing? :p

    I'd call myself a Socializer. For the past 4 years or so, I only play Minecraft to have contact with other people. That's why I have zero single player worlds on my desktop pc, and one on my laptop, which doesn't even have a name and was probably only used once.
  7. I would classify myself as the builder and designer types (Mainly builder). I love to build, which you can probably tell from my YouTube channel and the screenshots I've posted on the forums hehe :D
    MoreMoople likes this.
  8. I would call myself a designer, both for aestethics and redstone.
    For redstone: I have helt a few compactemise records (2*2 Stargate door, 3*3 stargate door, 2*2 trapdoor 0bsless & e.s., fastest mellon/pupkin farm / size and some smaller ones), therefor I think I could call myself a "decent redstoner" I also recently gotten into 0-tick mechanics and RNG manipulating techniques, which also is "fun"

    Fir aestethics: I think most people here know me for my aestethics, with my build guides and (currently unoperational) build service. I have always cared about aestethics. I have studied post-modern art theory and architecture for quitse some time, so taking that knolege into minecraft was an obvious manouvre.
    Aestethic value is not what I try to archive when designing though: it is the atmosphere. Creating a marcet place where you can almost hear the merchats screaming and the people walking around, or a forest that calmes you down as much as a real forest would do. Archniving that is why I love minecraft building so much, and why I probably will be doing it for a long time coming.

    Also, shell, you know the last poll option is my old signature translated from Latin, right? :p
    ("electronicus ludeo ergo sum" if I remember correctly - a variation of descartes' Cogito ergo sum)
  9. I remember it as cogito ergo electronicus ludeo. :p
    Jelle68 likes this.
  10. I'm a person who gets alot of concrete and sells it all to people who don't need it or who do need it
  11. I'm a miner who likes doing a little bit of building on the side. Most of my time is spent underground.
  12. So I spend most of my time exploring the wastes and collecting blocks... so a bit of a hoarder as well but I do sell bulk to friends and people doing builds... I have no patience for building...
  13. A few things are what describes me :p
  14. Cave exploration FTW! ^.^
  15. The only reason I still play minecraft is because of EMC tbh. I just like grinding and making money.