What is something YOU are working up the nerve to do?

Discussion in 'Miscellaneous' started by Mrlegitislegit, Jan 30, 2012.

  1. Back to basics
    Im working up the nerve to go and kiss my gf/good freind.We were on a "date" but,well,I havent done it :(
    I meet her at school AND at piano lessons(no,shes not my teacher :p) so it should be a simple thing to do....
    I just dident do it yet ;)
  2. Kissing isn't something you should have to work up the nerve to do. If you really like her. You should have no issues kissing her.
  3. I'm working up the nerve to ask out this girl who I've been friends with for two years (not the best idea probablly) *fingers crossed*
  4. Well,As long as the attraction is there,Go for it,If not, Make attraction :)

    And I know,Its just that Ive had the perfect moment,She once even leaned her self at my way(To hug or to kiss,I will never find out) and I just mumbled "Bye,See you tomorrow" :)
  5. No can do I keep tripping that way.
  6. Then evolve past the need for legs.
    xatharon likes this.
  7. Lmao, I am trying, that's way I spent most of my day behind computers. Or in front not sure which way is which anymore.
  8. Just let her know that you are interested in her but that you appreciate her most as a friend. That you think that that friendship is something that you guys can build off of. Most people that get together know nothing of each other and that is way they end up splitting. At least you know you can get along.
  9. Have you tried turning it off and on again?
  10. I will not be tricked into that one for the fiftieth time, hold on.......
  11. God dnaged, I fell for it again, curse you SillywhiteMage!!!!!!! :mad:
  12. Gotta love the evolution of this thread, with the random "I'm wanting to ask out this girl" comment.
  13. It was suppose to have the "I'm wanting to ask out this girl" post more often then the "I will not be tricked into that one for the fiftieth time, hold on......." post :p