What is something YOU are working up the nerve to do?

Discussion in 'Miscellaneous' started by Mrlegitislegit, Jan 30, 2012.

  1. Then make Time too know them
  2. Oh that is funny. If I don't them in anyway, I'm as good as trying to make sense out of I am the Walrus, it just wont happen. It seems time only works for me....
  3. I've gone from being very anxious socializing to being "That misunderstood kid almost everyone thinks is moderately cool but no one hangs out with."

    I've change a lot since my first post in this thread. For example I have plenty of companions, many acquaintances, few enemies and a few female schoolmates. I attribute my successes in the real world of socializing to you my friends at EMC. I've learned quite a lot from you guys :p
    SecretAznEks likes this.
  4. Well, something tells me that one of her friends ALSO plays on EMC. She seems nice SO....
  5. If she said "let me think about it" or "maybe" you sir, are boned.
  6. You're in middle school, if I recall correctly. Plenty of time to find one of the other fish out there.
    Speaking of fish, who in the world began comparing girls to fish? I don't know any girls with gills...
  7. I've met a couple, but it was an analogy about fishing how some fish get away but you keep fishing anyway because there are more fish to be caught. I like to make the comparison to games, you may lose many times but you play on, you may smash a few controllers, break a few keyboards and curse so loud they call the cops on you but you keep playing. What is more fun? Playing a game with strangers online? Or a game with a loved one in bed? No contest in my opinion. I dont like germs. So strangers online it is for me.

    Thankfully my wife does not read my online history and check on what I post in forums. Or there would be some explaining to do. I love you honey and all your tiny dirty little germs. Wanna cuddle? Get the germ x.
    SecretAznEks likes this.
  8. A life truly lived, I see.
  9. I once stabbed this person in the gut with a plastic knife.
    foodenator and xatharon like this.
  10. Take Over The World
  11. I like you.
    I am still trying to figure out how to rob that bank without getting in trouble for it.
  12. Well the plastic knife incident. The only witnesses didn't like the guy, and his fat took most of it. So he wasn't in that much pain.
  13. So you can say that his gut ate the knife, not much of a stab if you fed him. That is the story nothing to see here.
  14. I also wish there was more to the story.
  15. You can make something up, come on you seem like the quirky type that loves nonsense.
    Fatty was eating next to you in the cafeteria and then started eating your food leaving only a white plastic knife. You felt that he should have eaten the whole danged thing and tried to help him consume the last remaining part of your lunch by introducing it directly into the stomach. He burped with delight. Later you saw him eating baby unicorns so you did what any of us would have done. Made him eat himself.
  16. I normally do add nonsense to about 95% of my conversations, and I'm great at storytelling. I'm not one for violence, but that story was one of the few times it needed to be done. The real story itself isn't appropriate for the forums.
  17. Middle schools. The "Girl" table is all the girly girl single girls, and all the ones dating are at the popular tables.
  18. Not violence, eating is natural.
    Something I kinda wanna do is just go somewhere. Dont know where or how but just go.
  19. Baby Unicorns!
  20. You put one leg in front of the other.