What has been happening?

Discussion in 'Community Discussion' started by wonderwoman_16, Aug 16, 2016.

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  1. Come on Haro, you're using that questionable math to bash her. Even if you feel justified you're positioning against someone that is already in a tough spot. To me that looks like bullying. But maybe you really do want to help and you're just really bad at helping? If that's the case, then I sincerely apologize!
    OriginalScuf likes this.
  2. Please point out how the math is questionable.
    Please point out how I'm bashing her.
    ..I'm not positioning against anyone..?
    I'm sorry you feel that way.
    I accept your apology.
  3. Lets not nitpick this thread down to minute details folks. She has until next Tuesday at 11:59PM to fulfill all orders placed. However, if she wants to get it done by the end of the day Saturday then more power to her.

    It's not our place to debate the doability of that timeframe. What matters is getting it done by the deadline I stated. How she approaches distributing the work is not a topic up for public scrutiny.
    NathanRP, Kippy159, jkjkjk182 and 2 others like this.
  4. It isn't nitpicking. The entire thread is about getting orders fulfilled (and later) done by Saturday. If we can't talk about that, what is there to talk about?
    I sure wish that was stated somewhere, anywhere, before or even after this thread was created. It's not on the wood shop thread, it's not on this thread, and this thread openly states the deadline will be Saturday. There is no way any outside person would have access to the Tuesday 11:59 PM deadline until you just stated it. It's still a long shot, but at least that deadline sounds much more reasonable than Saturday.
  5. i think something is NOT FAIR here! :mad:

    i dunno all the details yet but it seems Kitty tried 2 sell wood, couldnt meet up demand and now staff looks into it? i know player who sold profile pics, also couldnt keep up, disappeared, came back and no one seemed 2 care. but since its only Kitty we all go after her?

    pls also note (from other thread):

    i think some ppl wanted this 2 fail. im gonna see if i can help Kitty out a bit here 2 make this go right.
    wonderwoman_16 and JesusPower2 like this.
  6. Prety sure when Cory did a service and didnt met the deadline, he got banned....
  7. I think it can depend on whether payment was taken (scamming) or if specific dates are given and not honored (repeated offenses = blacklist?).

    That's incredibly noble of you AyanamiKun.

    {edited for clarity}
    OriginalScuf likes this.
  8. I think quite the opposite, she regularly gets away with things that no one else does.

    I wrote this post on one of her thread and some of it pertains to you as you are helping her fail to learn personal responsibility.
    It is great that you want to help her but all you are doing is making sure that she doesn't learn from her mistakes, again. I suggest helping her in a way that doesn't relieve her of her commitments, and instead teaches her how to responsibly the situation, such as helping her build a realistic timeline within Elfin's set date.

    Doing the work for her does not help her in the greater scheme of life.
    Patr1cV, Vizsco, Kephras and 4 others like this.
  9. hardly... ive just seen Kitty getting bullied on these forums one too many times. just saying what senior staff said on those threads. now i reached a point where i get a little upset about it :mad:

    i also just showed that Kitty herself said "dont pay b4 delivery", but i think that staff overlooked that. which I think is NOT FAIR if thats true. ofc im not saying she can keep money which ppl paid her. but i do think its NOT scamming when u say "dont pay b4 delivery" and ppl still pay u, then irl kicks in (or whatever).


    if order list is correct then 96k of orders is waiting. i can just about cover that myself, but ill talk 2 staff & Kitty about that. i got her back on this one, just u watch me! :mad:

    but yeah: i wanna know from ppl who ordered.
  10. You would be promoting repeated mistakes by taking the responsibility here.

    I'm not going to quote everything jk said above me, but that's basically what I'm talking about more or less. This isn't the first time that she hasn't been held accountable, and every time so far, she's been totally off the hook with zero responsibility enforced in what actually happened.

    I won't go into it much because I could go on forever, but just read the quote that jk inserted. It sums it up nicely.

    In short - We aren't holding her accountable solely because her name is HKR, we're holding her accountable because this is the nth time that this has happened.

    What you call bullying is what others call life responsibility. Just because this is a Minecraft server does not mean that the principles don't apply across realities - they certainly do.
    jkjkjk182 likes this.
  11. (too lazy to snip out what I'm not replying to right now)

    First off, could you point me towards the post that said that? I skimmed through the other threads I could find relating to this and I didn't see that. I just realized I could find the post on my own with the fancy link on the quote you posted. My bad :confused: Secondly, it does say you don't have to pay until it's delivered, which would imply that we could send payment before if we wanted
  12. Sorry about the double post, but I feel like this might go unnoticed as an edit. If you are talking about Chewsy/Dust with that avatar business, I believe she did not request payment until after the drawing was complete which is why people were fine with her canceling for things outside of emc. I don't know if this is correct but I will do my best to check before I sleep. Please do fix me if I'm wrong here
    Vizsco and jkjkjk182 like this.
  13. EMC vets still ganging up on kids. Nice to see nothings changed.

    G'night. :D
  14. Fixed it for you.
    __Khepri__, Vizsco, NathanRP and 5 others like this.
  15. It isn't ganging up.. I can go into it via PM if you would like. I have a (very lengthy) copy/paste explanation ready for you if you want.
  16. The issue in the thread up to the point of my post was her personal commitment to a date being interpreted as a mandate by staff. This lead to questions about feasibility. I would like to make clear that the Saturday deadline was not imposed by myself or any other staff members.

    She has until the end of the day Tuesday to complete delivery of the orders and can accomplish this by distributing the task across as few or as many hours/days as she feels like providing everything is available for delivery or pickup by 12:59 PM on August 23.
    jkjkjk182, Vizsco and OriginalScuf like this.
  17. This has gone on long enough. Instead of staying on topic it had boiled down to kick HKR thread. The people who have business with her can take it up with her on the wood thread or PMs. This thread whole not needed from the first post was about her apologizing.

    Instead of offering a kind word for the apology or offering to help with the problem you do neither.
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