What features do you think Minecraft needs?

Discussion in 'General Minecraft Discussion' started by Ritunn, Dec 20, 2015.

  1. If you could tell me how because I've looked everywhere to add potion effects to weapons or even change the size of a spider. I'm talking about using command blocks for these, not plugins. :)
  2. I think there's a bit of a misunderstanding because there isn't. However, when it comes to applying effects onto players when they're holding something then you can mimic the behavior using the scoreboard to check for them to be holding a certain item and if they do apply the effect on them.

    But it's not something you'd apply to a specific weapon which will then give players this effect the moment they pick it up. It's more like a commandblock routine which constantly checks if a player is holding a certain item and if so applies that effect. Same with removing the effect. So it also wouldn't be instantaneously because you'd need a redstone clock to make the block check for those updates.

    In 1.9 that changes a bit; you can set a comandblock to keep on updating (runs every tick) which would make this more instantaneously.

    As to sizes of mobs... I'm also curious. I am aware of the {Size:xx} nbt tag but to my knowledge it can only be applied to slimes.


    I've been trying to mimic those enraged mobs for quite a while now and as said, the best I could come up with so far was what I used above. Totally cool to do but...

    give @p diamond_sword 1 3 {ench:[{id:0,lvl:5},{id:1,lvl:10},{id:3,lvl:10},{id:4,lvl:5}],AttributeModifiers:[{AttributeName:generic.attackDamage,Name:attack,Operation:1,Amount:0.5,UUIDLeast:1,UUIDMost:1},{AttributeName:generic.maxHealth,Name:health,Operation:1,Amount:0.5,UUIDMost:3,UUIDLeast:3}],display:{Name:Herobrine's Furious Destroyer}}
    Try that on for size.
  3. I literally know nothing about command blocks, however I have seen videos on spawning mobs of different sizes. I'm 89% it's possible, unless you're talking about changing the size of a mob after it has spawned, then that isn't possible. Also what Shell says about the checks for holding a specific item, then applying a certain effect to the holder, it is possible. The thing is I have 0 knowledge of HOW command blocks work and what everything typed into it means. Command Blocks = Commands run when hit with a signal, correct? I'm 100% spawning mobs with different sizes is possible with a command, and 90% sure of the commands in block form type deal thing. I'm basing this off of logic and assumption, so I apologize if I'm misleading in anyway or wrong. ;-; >_<
  4. Minecraft needs toilets!
    Nickblockmaster and ShelLuser like this.
  5. If you could link me with one of these videos I could tell you whether or not they're using plugins.

    Also what I meant was, you could give yourself effects of course, I've done this several times. But how do I apply poison to someone? Or perhaps I could hit someone with a stick and it heals them. Because I have yet to find anything that can do this.
  6. The recharge feature removes skill based gameplay mechanics. From the top of my head:
    1. Click Speed. This is a huge skill-based component of PvP and many players have spent lots of time increasing click speed.
    2. Hotkeys. PvP players constantly hot-key to other hotbar slots. Now, doing so is useless. This removes a huge part of skilled gameplay.
    3. Removes combos. Seriously, how is this a good thing? Getting combos is useless because they do no damage and trying to get a rod combo doesn't even work in the first place.
    4. Removes strafing in order to dodge arrows. "Hey, let's just right click with this board I have in my hand and make bows completely useless!"
    5. Ruins Kohi-style PvP completely.
    Nickblockmaster and Patr1cV like this.
  7. All of that is true but click speed if you have a CPS of at least 6 you're fine. Since clicking even faster really does nothing since the game can only register so many clicks every second.
  8. Clicking faster does have its advantages, despite vanilla limitations:
    1. Clicking faster breaks sprint more effectively.
    2. Some servers remove this limit (MeleeFun UHC, Combo ladder on another server) and allow players to register as many hits as they are able to click.
    3. Players with faster click speed often get the first hit.
    4. You're more likely to actually hit people when you click faster. Enjoy this MS Paint example of what I mean:

    Blue X's are misses, green X's are hits. You're getting more hits in the actual hitbox by clicking faster, so logically you have a better chance of actually hitting your opponent, even if only two of those hits register per second (vanilla cap).
    Patr1cV and ShelLuser like this.
  9. I kind of want to place stairs sideways, for asthetic reasons.
  10. Vertical slabs for walls :D Just something I've always wanted.
  11. I guess that works?
  12. Some people want - Compact contraptions for animal breeding/killing, but I would be so happy if my farm animals didn't get caught up on fence posts so often.

    This is something I have long awaited for them to fix!
  13. It's not a complete fix, but if you put a solid block in the corners they won't get stuck in them. Just make sure to put something else on top so they can't jump out :p
    Nickblockmaster likes this.
    • Click Speed - Now you having timing. Same idea, but now you must time your attacks. And click speed still comes into play if you notice your foe has low health and you want to quickly finish him off
    From wiki:
    • Hotkeys - Nope, not useless. We have new potions, a second hand where you can constantly switch between bow and shield (most useful), and more arrows to quickly specify which one you want. This update strengthens hotkeys.
    • Combos - I'm gonna need some examples here.
    • Kohi- I am pretty sure that attack speed is configurable and this weird pvp style will still be intact.
    Shadow_dcord likes this.
  14. I like how you think. These are really good points to be made for sure.
  15. Hotkeys - Quick fns hits, rod tricks, short bow shots are all useless in 1.9, because after you quickly switch back to a sword you have to wait to do any amount of damage.

    Combos - I can't get very good combos, but you can look at pretty much any of the clips in this video (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7Xs6rYXzCaw). They're mostly combos (quick consecutive hits). In 1.9, using the rod to get combos does absolutely no damage except for the first hit.

    Kohi - Weak argument, we're talking vanilla. Kohi pvp is ruined beyond repair. It's fast-paced and relies on logic as well as skill; 1.9 pvp does not because it's a lot slower paced.