Thank you for all your kind words, I really appreciate it as it makes these past 3~ years come together for me.
C'mon guys, say it with me one more time . . . All hail simx. We'll miss you sam, this cheese sandwich I'm making goes out to you.
Well, it seems you have reached yer Final Stop on this Wild Ride Called EMC. Like many Others who have left, you will certainly be missed. I wish you Good Luck in your Future! As a Parting Gift I shall give you this Goodye Bell's Hinge-Back Tortoise Also yer still a Wizard
Thanks again sam! You made a good impact on emc, you will be missed. But I wish you success in college, and many days of fresh powdered slopes ^_^
I found this quite that I think fits this occasion quite nicely: Just because something ends doesn’t mean it never should’ve been. Remember, you lived, you learned, you grew and you moved on. -Robert Tew
I wish I had gotten the opportunity to get to know you better, but I did know you enough to say this... You were a great staff member, and a huge influence on the EMC community. Thanks for that and I wish you the best of luck with college
Ill miss you. You were a grat staff and person too. I believe you influenced the community in some way and made it a little better. I hope that in your future, you will spread that touch of yours to all the people around you. This is so when you see your future companions, you will see us in them. Love you! Ill miss you. Farewell. Edit: Just a curious fact that i noticed. I would hit the like button of this thread because i read it(as i always do), but i dont like that you leaving... So.. To me liking the page would mean i want you to leave but that is not true...