We want your skulls!

Discussion in 'Frontier and Player Outposts' started by khixan, May 30, 2015.


Are you a Ramones or a Misfits person?

Misfits - I want your skulls! 20 vote(s) 87.0%
Ramones - I wanna be sedated, I wanna be your boyfriend, etc etc etc 3 vote(s) 13.0%
  1. Here is a picture from a few weeks ago when the farm was still under construction, had to take a break and clear out the mob surplus.

    Attached Files:

    khixan likes this.
  2. Why am I missing out on all the fun. I'm gonna take a break from farming and check out the action if it isn't too late.
    khixan likes this.
  3. How did i miss out on this
  4. i freaking helped establish this base
    khixan likes this.
  5. You, Sgt_Pepper, and Qkazoo (sp?) were indeed very helpful in establishing it. The 7 at once was a freak event before we expanded the spawn area to where it is today (what you see in frame was all I had cleared at the time).

    Sorry to all the others that have contributed, I have really lost track with all the different people adding on.

    Here is the first time I found the fortress, getting there was a bit of a pain before the road went in. (excuse the text, I was screen shooting coordinates as a reminder of where the fortress was).

    Attached Files:

    H00D and khixan like this.
  6. I contributed...
    in shooting pigmen so they aggro into someone else and kill Qkazoo, who loves to go around naked >.>
    Deadmaster98, H00D and khixan like this.
  7. Oi that was only 1 day !! and it was to make things spawn easier !! Normally im in full armor
    Deadmaster98 and khixan like this.
  8. I'm totally buying it xDDD
    Deadmaster98 likes this.
  9. im so sad i missed you guys its been so busy and will be for a while for me. ill do all i can to continue my support of EMC especially Smp8
    khixan likes this.
  10. >supporting smp8
    Send me 8 of every head for my head room<

    Player heads =P
  11. SMP8 needs all the support it can get...
    We are all going CRAAZI!
    Deadmaster98 likes this.
    *runs into cacti*
    khixan likes this.
  13. Cacti are sooooo lame, lava is the way backwaards!
  14. You forgot me
  15. I am in the smp8 team too
  16. To avoid double posting, try using the 'edit' button if you forgot to add something in a previous post. :)
    FinalArc likes this.
  17. Noob alart aka x7mx arrived to the farm today

    Bk was too afraid to even go out and battle
  18. I'm new! I don't know what to do!
    khixan and Qkazoo07 like this.
  19. I was too scared to go out alone, so when zion, chicken and khix came I tried, and now I'm addicted.
    Here is my team hug with khixan: