[WAR] The SMP wars

Discussion in 'Miscellaneous' started by CaptainFoxy_, May 21, 2015.

  1. come to smp6 on my res do get details
  2. The bomb detonates and creates a rift to the negative zone. The rift expands and the dimension begins to fall apart.
    smp7 escapes to the 2nd dimension after I arrive at our hidden planet.
    Everyone that stayed behind got trapped in the negative zone as the rift expanded.
  3. smp6 builds up most powerful defenses in the universe
  4. nothing to go offensive on its own
  5. smp6 wants to make allies with smp5, 7, and 8
  6. together we will win
  7. Lucky and I man our German H44 Battleship to wreck the ship's home server of smp3 under the flag of smp8.
    BlackKnight1021 likes this.
  8. If you want to ally with smp7, you need to get to the 2nd dimension as the one you are in is falling into the negative zone.
  9. Please, try to keep it to one post. =P
    tuqueque likes this.
  10. Negative zone? Pfft. SMP8 was already inside the twilight zone. You've done no harm
    BlackKnight1021 likes this.
  11. The negative zone is inescapable. One way in, no way out.

    Edit: if you read the earlier pages, you would know what the negative zone is.
  12. smp6 creates a portal to all dimensions
  13. *issues a warning to smp6*
    Please close the portal to the 3rd dimension. You dont want the other dimensions to get pulled into the rift, do you?
  14. portal to the third closed
  15. smp6 prepares for an attack and readies defenses
  16. Now that its closed, the only survivors are the smps that had a way out of the 3rd dimension.

    The alliance constructs another negative energy bomb and stores it as a last resort.
  17. I don't think you realize. Regardless of what the negative zone is, the explosion causing it would assume that all the smp's were at the same location, in the same universe. But the twilight zone is in neither. If you knew what the twilight zone was, you would understand... but I think they stopped with that show a long while ago... Anyways, none of this makes any scientific sense, just gonna point out.
    BlackKnight1021 likes this.
  18. smp8 is allied with smp9(both in 4th dimension(time is the 4th)), and a secret allience, also it has a peace and economic treaty with ssmp6(which is neutral!)

    back to topic= smp8 reached the 4th dimension technology. this made possible to make a laser beam(1 dimension) to protect our secret ally which is still on earth(3 dimensions(EMC)) this laser is able to destroy all incoming attacks that are in the 2nd and tridimensional space towards it.
  19. Just saying, utopia brought this up with its treaty.