[VOTE] Empire Voteoff Contest - May 2013

Discussion in 'Empire Events' started by JackBiggin, Apr 24, 2013.

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  1. Vote Streak: 2!!!!!!


    It smells, colorful, and diamond-block like

    do the winners each get 16 voters blocks?
  2. Oh, each!

    That's even better!!!!!

  3. 2/35 days done! :)
  4. Even if you start now... You'll have to keep the streak active til the 30th =P
  5. I know, so wait how many days is that so i can edit it lol
    EDIT: nvm
  6. You only need to vote on one site, and don't be laZy, click on the little icon on your toolbar.
  7. Dang it! I already have a 12 day streak.
  8. What are the voter's blocks?
  9. MUST VOTE !!!!
  10. Do we have to vote for all 7 for it too count? Or is just voting for 1 O.K?
  11. You don't need to vote on all 5, just 1. But if you vote on all 5 you get more rupees, it doesn't hurt at all. :)

    TIP: If you're using Google Chrome, right click on the bookmarks bar, click "Add Folder," add it to the Bookmarks Bar and then in the folder create links to all of the voting sites listed at empire.us/rupees
    jrm531 and Crazy1800 like this.
  12. Woot! Google Chrome!!!
  13. Our record at minestatus for the few past months was 47, when I'm right. So the top 10 will be very hard, I'm afraid.
  14. Actually, no. We were on the first page soon after the new voting update and the vote-a-thon was launched. :)
  15. I'm so going for the EMC Firework and Beacon!
  16. So if who ever votes for 30 days straight (err.... till may 30th) will they all receive voters blocks?
  17. No, it's a raffle, two people will receive 32 of them each
  18. Actually it's 1 each :)
    Sorry you were correct, 32 each.
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