[VOTE] Empire Voteoff Contest - May 2013

Discussion in 'Empire Events' started by JackBiggin, Apr 24, 2013.

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  1. I'm on 10 this time. May the force be with me.
  2. I don't know if I'll make it into this one I just voted today for the 10th time in a row because I one day I went, "Did I vote today................yes.....wait....no.....?.........oh darn it."
  3. Time to announce the winners, me thinks.

    Winning a Voter's Block each...
    • Nick5013
    • 607
    Winning a beacon and a Dirt Destroying Tick Tock...
    • Blackstone71
    Winning 10k each...
    • Lukas3226
    • Jakres
    • Kephras
    • daegoo
    The 10k's have all been sent out, and the other prizes can be collected from 4006 on SMP2. Thanks to all that voted, and here's to a just as vote filled next month! :)
  4. Darn, didn't win. :p

    Congrats to those who did!
  5. Sweet, it's the first time I've won any contest :D
  6. Congrats to the winners, I hope that they do something like this agine soon.
    TerryDaTerrorist likes this.
  7. Wait a minute....
  8. We decided to change this halfway through the contest to 1 for each winner, mainly to preserve their value. If you would really want 32 instead though, I guess we could change it... :)
    TerryDaTerrorist likes this.
  9. Where did they go when you changed it?
  10. We still have them and plan to release them in 2's for different voting contests :)
  11. Didn't win.... Still VOTES!!!!!!!!!! YEAH!
  12. I wondered what that 10k was for... thanks Jack :)
    TerryDaTerrorist likes this.
  13. 37 day streak, i won nothing, my bad luck in contests continues :confused:
  14. :confused:
  15. That was just a a tiny bit of luck i finally had. :D
    The chances of me having luck in minecraft are a thousand to one. :p
  16. AlexChance and JackBiggin are now green names, so yeh xD
  17. And this was needed why?
    PenguinDJ likes this.
  18. Locking thread, thanks for voting everyone. :)
    PenguinDJ and mba2012 like this.
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