[Unofficial Debate] Wild Reset

Discussion in 'Community Discussion' started by jonions, Jun 20, 2012.


To reset or not to reset? Remember to READ.

Yes, I want the reset. 36 vote(s) 30.8%
No, I don't want the reset. 81 vote(s) 69.2%
  1. I think that would just scare away new players. Having to wait a month to get to vote sounds weird on a server without a whitelist. We just could make threads with pictures and tell people about the nukezones. Old EMC veterans telling the new generations. I don't think the problem will be noobs voting for a reset really. Those who get on the forums to vote are usually the ones that read the guide etc and understand how the EMC works. Not all of them of course but most of them I think.
    melodytune likes this.
  2. Maybe we should have a "test" as in Justin makes a large post, after we plead to have our reasons put in, then the Mods make a Google docs sorta test that is kind of lengthy. It would cover every reason, but not in the same order. Basically, it would be a test that only lets you vote as long as you actually know what the consequences could be. And it wouldnt allow people to unconsciously not know the pros and cons of the reset, because they would have to pass the test with a high score to vote.
  3. I think we should keep it simple. There are many rather young players on MC and many do not speak English very well.
  4. Okay, so, heres MY opinion. (remember I said mine, not yours :3)

    I vote for a wild reset BUT WAIT dont sigh and look at another comment just yet!
    One thing is that about 75% of you who dont want a wild reset is because you have a grinder or a nice secret base or something. I have a grinder, but look at me! I want a wild reset. Also, whats the point of going to the wild anymore, the good stuff''s been taken already? What happened to the joy of finding something new? I am pretty sure you dont wanna see this:

    And also the price of emeralds will be high ;n;
    And I know those new-fangled items coming out will be a joy for everyone so why not travel a looong way to some remote area in the world to mine some new things and then end up dying. ):
    melodytune likes this.
  5. I agree with this. A US history lesson..

    You used to have to take a test to vote in the US. It was implemented to keep the minorities, uneducated, and poor from voting. It is incredibly unjust.

    If one person gets a vote - everyone should get a vote. Policy does not affect the few that could pass a test. It affects everyone on the server.
    SecretAznEks and zulu9 like this.
  6. But they are the most likely to make a decision without thinking of the consequences:/ And how old is the threshold for young?
    SecretAznEks likes this.
  7. Plenty of new places to find without having a reset ;)
    SecretAznEks, Manglex and zulu9 like this.
  8. True, but there is an age requirement and a citizenship requirement
  9. I am pretty sure we are all EMC citizens. :)
    SecretAznEks, zulu9 and jkjkjk182 like this.
  10. 1: Well, the EMC terms say English is the main language and you need some to "survive" but some discussions on the forums get pretty complicated. I don't think this should lead to people being excluded to vote.
    2:I think the EMC terms say 13 to join but there will be younger people playing under "supervision" of their parents anyway.
    jkjkjk182 likes this.
  11. :)But what about our equivalent of an age requirement?:/
  12. Yeah. I see a communication problem there. Maybe we can have groups that take people far out in the wild, help them establish a basic place and then leave them there so explore. Would take not much for many people except maybe some boats, food and wood. And patience to deal with noobs ;)
    ZBSDKryten likes this.
  13. I think so too. We are the moment we get the message after the tutorial. It even gets announced.
    Only way to lose it is to get permabanned I think.
  14. I think most people who actually post on this thread are old/mature enough to actually vote and debate with a serious opinion, and not troll, voting on something random or spamming this.
    zulu9 and jkjkjk182 like this.
  15. A group could go to the edge and hold a race to themselves and the winner (as long as they are less than 21 days on the server) would get a prize?:)
    zulu9 likes this.
  16. Its a legitimate concern for sure. But do you know how many people I know who lied about their age on the website. How would you know for sure? It would be impossible.

    Also I play with kids (sorry - young guys) ages 15-17 who are equally as mature as a lot of adults I've run across in the game and IRL.
    SecretAznEks, zulu9 and DeadSkaia like this.
  17. Sure. There is nothing technically on the server holding us back to do such a thing.
    So instead of whining about the ugly parts and that nobody wants go far out why not encourage people to do so?
    From my experience with the LLO people want to come if there is a nice environment. That mostly means friendly and helpful people, not so much the builds.
    ZBSDKryten likes this.
  18. Also another thing supporting the reset:

    Basically there will be a "warning" time period where eight before they reset the wild, people can gather stuff from their grinders, bases, and villages or take one more look at their mines. And then after the warning time period is over, it could get reset.
  19. How is that an argument for the reset? Is it like I say: Hey, I will take down your house, farm and factory but you got two weeks to get your stuff. Seems fair, right?
    Manglex likes this.
  20. I'm not saying I agree at all with that particular thread of argument, however

    It does gain fairness because it is clearly stated - time and again by staff- anything you build in the wild should not be considered a permanent structure.

    Again, I do not think this is a reason for a reset - but should one occur I hope people remember this fact.

    I am going to bed for the night. But will leave one last thought...

    I hope people can go back to the idea of making a compromising plan. Something that benefits both sides - no matter what that may be.

    Everyone should take some time to step into the other sides shoes - walk around a bit. Look for solutions to the problem, and not just argue to win. :)

    Goodnight all.