[Unofficial Debate] Wild Reset

Discussion in 'Community Discussion' started by jonions, Jun 20, 2012.


To reset or not to reset? Remember to READ.

Yes, I want the reset. 36 vote(s) 30.8%
No, I don't want the reset. 81 vote(s) 69.2%
  1. he didn't even say the words lazy, stupid, mooching, or bum.
  2. not trying to sound cynical but this is politics mirrored in minecraft. so as in RL lots of noise in the debates but both sides should try their best to win votes. maybe we can keep it a bit less dirty than the real life. at least that would be progress :cool:
  3. accept*
  4. You are right, those were my words. I was asking him a question.
  5. o.o....
  6. But those won't hopefully make the majority or have a big enough influence. I don't think they will esp if we get many EMC people to vote. From my experience here the "jerks" will not outnumber the reasonable people (on both sides).
  7. You asked a question using words i never said. but i am not going to waste my time here trying to make you understand
    I am going to take a page from Dejaja's book and Bow out of this thread.
  8. 4: I was defending myself, and proving that people who abuse the system have earned themselves the title of "jerk."
    Im insulted by this comment, and others are probably insulted too. And its "Just vote when then time comes and accept the inevitable."
    Spenser6 and Monster_ like this.
  9. please dont make me go through your posts and point out spelling errors, I could care less if I misspell a word on a internet forum for a video game server. If you were grading my college papers I might care.

    More reason why I have given up trying to have a rational conversation here.
  10. True, but im not assuming that most of EMC are jerks:) But there is always a small amount of them...
  11. if you want to be technical i can be technical

    *grammar error
    not spelling so much
    jkjkjk182 likes this.
  12. Im not going to even respond to this with the obvious response.
  13. You guys realize you are running people off who were actually on your side?
    SecretAznEks and jkjkjk182 like this.
  14. I'm somewhat on the fence with this issue. I don't want the wild reset because:
    • I have put effort into the stuff I have built for myself as well as others.
    • Others have built some awesome buildings and put in effort for others.
    • Unexplored territory left out there.
    • Wild outposts will be destroyed.
    • The PRA will just look the same after a few weeks and we'll have to listen to "I can't find stuff wahh."
    Reasons I am for the reset:
    • The nuke zones on all the servers. People build bridges yes, but idiots then grief them instead of stopping to think "Oh hey, this is helping me cross."
    • The bridge on SMP7 looks like a huge mess and majority of it isn't even accessible.
    • The random Swastikas people like to build everywhere.
    • Griefers at things like peoples' wilderness bases and whatnot.
    • Would be nice to venture through the wilderness and not fall into giant pits people have dug out.
    SecretAznEks, jkjkjk182 and zulu9 like this.
  15. Yes, they do. Most of the argument pro reset were not about the vault at all so I just suggest we keep on debating the actual arguments and not make up assumptions about hidden motives.
    I think the "no reset unless totally needed (like to keep the server running smoothly)" arguments are more sound.
    Also maybe the people who like the wild just need to make it more attractive. Like a squad that builds some bridges. But that would be another thread too.
    SecretAznEks, jkjkjk182 and Spenser6 like this.
  16. This comment right here just made my day
    jkjkjk182 likes this.
  17. I think some LLO members may be good for this........we shall have to brainstorm on this because i really like the idea
    zulu9 likes this.
  18. Also, my inner grammar hammer cant avoid it, but you forgot "an" when you corrected your post:(
    Monster_ and Spenser6 like this.
  19. This is getting amusing XD
    i will have to see where this has gone in the morning :p
    Monster_ likes this.
  20. Uhm.. again, maybe you didnt hear me the first time. I dont care if I make ANY mistakes it spelling, grammer, punctuation... I am not being carefull to not make those mistakes because this, again, is a internet forum for a video game and not my resume for an important law firm, if pointing out meaningless errors in someones posts makes you feel smart or superior, hey pal, good for you...

    I see you've clearly read this:
    as well as this:

    you guys enjoy yourselves though..