[Unofficial Debate] Wild Reset

Discussion in 'Community Discussion' started by jonions, Jun 20, 2012.


To reset or not to reset? Remember to READ.

Yes, I want the reset. 36 vote(s) 30.8%
No, I don't want the reset. 81 vote(s) 69.2%
  1. Thanks. I always get that confused. English is my second language.
    oidgod likes this.
  2. Please explain my "unfounded accusations"
  3. This is not a debate.

    It is a "everyone is going to shout their opinions until the other side gives up" match.

    No one is talking compromise, no one is talking solution. I tried - but no one wants to meet anyone else half way.
  4. no offense and i'm not trying to be rude or anything,
    but you're really stubborn lol.
    i think that's why we're not getting anywhere ~ everyone is pretty clear on what they want and everyone is being stubborn. but for real, the extensive wild needs to stay the way it is - as it's hardly been touched.
  5. This is short sighted. I'm talking long term solutions.
  6. Wasn't your "compromise" to destroy EMC's ability to advertise as a vanilla server? When people do try talking a compromise anyways, the rebuttal outweighs the compromise and it gets lost in the ensuing arguments anyways..
    SecretAznEks likes this.
  7. I do not see how this is not a debate.
    what else is a debate if not people speaking their minds until a compromised is reached?
    and even then how will players meet in the middle?
    There is no half way point here, it is a simple A or B argument
    A: we reset
    B:we do not
    Simple as that, there is no other viable solution to this, we either reset or we dont.
    zulu9 likes this.
  8. take it one day at a time is what i propose!
  9. This we can agree on
  10. Gladly.

    Why do you assume that anyone who does not play like you is lazy, stupid, whining, mooching, bums?
  11. Well at least on this thread it is. Remember the vote attached?
    We can talk about ideas other than reset: yes or no on another thread. Here is just adds more heat to the arguments pro or contra reset.
  12. What "long term solutions" would there be? The Longest term in this case is about a week or tow of quick ore and TnT in pyramids that most cant even use.
    Long term means that we in the wild get to spend a month or so rebuilding just so the Town dwellers get Quick stuff for less than a month. then it all goes back to normal, the PRA and all that, with the exception that it will have destroyed countless wild Cities and homes
    Monster_ likes this.
  13. I will tell you a true story about people who abuse the system. I work at the foodshelf every tuesday, and at the same time every tuesday a marijuana smoker comes in and takes absolutely EVERYTHING he can. Then about an hour after he leaves, a single mother of three, whose husband died in a car crash on his way to his job, comes in and doesnt get to take as much as the druggie did. She goes home with very little, and i swear her kids come back everytime looking skinnier. She cant come in earlier because she has to work late, we keep the foodshelf open longer so that she can come. Last time she was asking if we had vitamins, because her kid's doctor said they were becoming malnourished. She was getting what she and her children needed because someone was using the system. I know the guy was a marijuan smoker because i go to highschool, and so i know a bag of pot when i see one. And it falls out of his pocket frequently. One person is ruining 4 lives by abusing the system. And it isnt short term, if those three children dont get help, they will have health problems for the rest of their lives. I cannot stand people who abuse the system. That marijuana smoker is a pure 100% jerk, and if you disgree, i would like to hear your reasons why.
    Monster_ likes this.
  14. now you're just putting words in his mouth lol, he said that people who spam the chat asking for money need to work for it, and people should play the game how it's meant to be played, and that they should strive to explore and find things and quit whining about not being able to find something when they haven't put forth the effort.
    Spenser6 likes this.
  15. And this has to do with the price of tea in china?
    SecretAznEks and Call_Me_DeJaja like this.
  16. Quoting word for word is putting words in his mouth?
  17. And you think that I am shortsighted??? No i NEVER said that anyone who didnt play like me was any of those things EVER i know plenty of wonderful people who live in town, But the many Outweigh the few here
    There are LOTS of people like that on EMC and that is a well known fact. i never said that everyone who didnt play like me was any of what you are stating i simply said that there are people like that and they will act that way.
    So dont accuse me of stuff and put words into my mouth
  18. 1: I love your work on helping people!
    2: I really love that you try to help people in RL.
    3: I agree that guy taking a lot of food for himself is a total jerk.
    4: I don't see what this has to do with a wild reset.
    5: We all hate people abusing the system.
    SecretAznEks and jkjkjk182 like this.
  19. I've exausted all my energy trying to discuss this rationally, but there is no rational dicussion to be had with most of the people who have showed up to post. It was a worthy attempt secret, but it's a lost cause. Just vote when then time comes and except the inevitable.
  20. People who abuse the system are jerks. They will vote yes, not ever go into the wild, use the free vault, all while not caring at all about issues they have caused others.