[Thread of threads to be thread] is Eternal. It will never die.

Discussion in 'Forum Games' started by Uber_Corq, Aug 17, 2016.


How good is this thread?

Best 53 vote(s) 38.7%
Better 13 vote(s) 9.5%
Good 10 vote(s) 7.3%
Okay 8 vote(s) 5.8%
Bad 4 vote(s) 2.9%
Worse 4 vote(s) 2.9%
Worst 17 vote(s) 12.4%
It is the best of threads, it is the worst of threads 28 vote(s) 20.4%
  1. A true shining example of what a thread should be!
    Uber_Corq, DarkModFallen and Kephras like this.
  2. By that you mean 52 pages of. Cobblestone is the best block prove me wrong
    Uber_Corq likes this.
  3. Uber_Corq likes this.
  4. If used in the right setting yes, I would agree. Like any other block
    Uber_Corq likes this.
  5. I like cobblestone more than that. :p
  6. You are overthinking this. Cobblestone is LIFE
  7. I would have said cobble stone is the rock of my life but it's all broken up
    Uber_Corq likes this.
  8. *would have
    Uber_Corq likes this.
  9. Would of while not proper is how its spoken more often than not. You should hear some stuff said in in Alabama where I work.
    Uber_Corq likes this.
  10. *cackles madly from sandstone palace*
  11. Nice to see that this thread is still alive. :)
    Uber_Corq likes this.
  12. Spoken maybe, but I do think that besides Aikar people usually write 'would have' or 'would've'. :p
    Uber_Corq likes this.
  13. everybody run
    Uber_Corq likes this.
  14. I'm not up for cardio right now...
  15. I am not up for cardio ever. I don't even make my minecraft avatar run.
    CoffeeAffinity, Uber_Corq and 607 like this.
  16. Bruh, do you even lift ?
  17. I lift this glass of water #hydro
    Uber_Corq likes this.
  18. Time for the eternal thread to be woken up.
    Uber_Corq likes this.
  19. Man I #Cobblestone4Lyfe
    Uber_Corq likes this.