The Survival Update - v2 - 6/30/18

Discussion in 'Empire Updates' started by Aikar, Jun 30, 2018.

  1. Correction: It was an eyender head, but still.
    cubefragment likes this.
  2. him chasing you def sounds like a bug.
    We are also working on fixing the bed issue.
    We are also working to refine the item pickup process too.
  3. I'm looking forward to some fixes. :) That eyender was such a pain.

    The bed issue is more annoying than a problem, in my opinion. I don't know what changes I'd like to see as far as item pick up goes, but it's nice that other players can still help you retrieve your stuff. A short timer before that happens might be appreciated.
    cubefragment likes this.
  4. Found some more buggy stuff
    Enraged Evoker spawned in a surface cave, I found it, knocked it in a corner, and started whacking it

    Got that soul-killing message, and it didn't drop a single thing, not even a totem.

    A few seconds later, found an enraged vindicator, same thing happened, but so did this
    This was after I had attacked it and it was (supposed to be) hostile. Once again, dropped nothing. Something with the enraged mob pathfinding and risk gauge appears to be seriously messed up.
    (I've also had this issue with enraged polar bears)
    cubefragment likes this.
  5. Totems are not guaranteed drop for enraged variants.

    If you can record a fight, chicken can see if theres any improvements to it.
  6. ^ I second this sentiment. If you let me know how you are getting it to trigger (screenshots are not descriptive enough). I would be glad to try and improve it.
  7. Ok, MANY bug fixes went out
    • Fixed bed stuff. Now difficulty lock and combat lock are separate but related items
      • Combat triggers difficulty lock (for the 5 mins like the combat cooldown is)
      • having any custom mob spawn nearby difficulty locks for 3 mins if your not already diff locked (it wont keep resetting)
        • We've always locked difficulty for the past few years - this isn't new. it's switched to difficulty lock instead
      • being near a group member performing combat WHILE THE GROUP IS DIFFICULTY LOCKED will also lock you to that difficulty
        • We've always locked difficulty for the past few years - this isn't new. it's switched to difficulty lock instead
      • only combat, and difficulty 8 auto aggression will trigger combat activity
        • We've always triggered combat to lock difficulty for the past few years - this isn't new.
      • bed sleeping only cares about combat activity
      • changing difficulty cares about combat activity as well as difficulty lock (both must be reset)
      • dying resets combat activity, but not difficulty lock
    • Fixed many firework issues
    • Fixed numerous performance issues
    • Eyender will no longer follow you unless diff7 or you've attacked him (normal auto aggression rules for bosses)
    • Vault page icons will now show an amount on them so you know what page they represent up until 127
    • Item Conversions now run for more cases, so shouldn't be any more Zombie Virus's that don't get their new color.
    Did not get to changing item pickup logic, will try tomorrow.
  8. What a fabulous presentation. I've said it before, and it needs to be said here ... The Empire is a special kind of MP Server !! As my very first MP Server ever, the evolution of it, and the dedication of the People who run it, are the reason it continues to remain ... and at a very high Rank.

    The amount of work it takes to do this kind of "custom" enhancement is staggering !! Those who choose to endure the process are a special kind breed ... and this labor of Love is what makes the Empire special. Talented People, with a HUGE range of skills, and (most importantly) a Vision of what the Empire can become ... clearly a Team effort, with great leadership and organization.

    Thank you for all you do !!! I thoroughly enjoy your Product and am looking forward to experiencing the "newness" **. It's rare that a MC Server can actually get your Heart racing .... and this update should come with a warning !!! :)

    **Except for NetherHounds ...those things scare me ! **
  9. One of the main things I liked about EMC was not losing my xp on death :(
  10. :rolleyes: What ajmyers34 said! :D <3 you EMC
  11. You still can at difficulty 1; and the exp you lose from difficulty 2 up to difficulty 6 can be fully recovered. You can only "lose" exp at difficulty 7+, since then you only get some of it back.

    Plus, when you die you only lose a portion of your exp, not all of it. So even if you don't get your exp back, you don't start over from 0 :)
  12. Whatever
  13. Having fun just hunting at the moment :)

    Got a new lucky rabbits foot though so that should help.... although not too lucky for the previous owner...
  14. I didnt know JD had all those titles. Wow... mother of dragons...

    And what are the other ones?.. you dont seem to name them...
    cubefragment likes this.
  15. How do you get the lucky rabbits foot?
  16. Killed a cwazy wabbit!

    Well... enraged anyhow. At first i thought they would be like Aikar's killer bunnies... but noooo... slightly different...
  17. OK the Eyender needs to be toned down. Even on Diff 1 solo you will die more times than you can count and do very little if any damage to it.
    cubefragment likes this.
  18. [QUOTEbed sleeping only cares about combat activity][/QUOTE]

    Still get msg hostiles to close, and more than 16 blocks away.

    Plus lost a blizz ard out at the snow globe on 7 at /wild e. not sure what happened if someone could check logs was there yesterday had to move it back inot the head.

    Thanx in advance.
    purplebook163 likes this.
  19. Not sure what logs you are wanting us to check?
    As for hostiles being too close. Is there any chance they are above/below you?

    Just trying to get an idea of what is happening. Would love to check specific locations if you send the devs a message.
    cubefragment likes this.