The New Republic

Discussion in 'Frontier and Player Outposts' started by 72Volt, Feb 15, 2013.

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  1. Hi this looks really cool! I am going to make my home on SMP9, so can I please join? :3
    I will be an active member and work well with others. I am also an alright builder :p
  2. Absolutely, I'll add you in ASAP :)
  3. FINALLY got there and claimed a couple of plots, is it okay for me to create a company? I am in the other place not Wrem :)
  4. If you want to build stuff, ask L0tad, but yes, absolutely ^_^
  5. May I join as well? I think I could be a valuable member.
  6. I'll add you ASAP :)
  7. I have to make important decisions about my personal future, which may affect my EMC experience. For that reason I have no choice but to stand down as Mayor of Wrem. If you need help with things to do with Wrem, the player _joe will from this moment become Acting Mayor of the city.

    He is now in command and will take over my responsibilities indefinitely. I will try to keep you all updated through this thread. I ask for no proper mayoral elections take place until my future on EMC becomes clear.

    But, for now, consider me gone from the New Republic.

    I hope to be able to return, it's been a blast.

    Thanks all.
    kritacul, L0tad and 72Volt like this.
  8. Sad to hear dean, i sure know ill miss you alot.

    If you can, please have the new mayor contact me via pm so that we can keep operations moving smoothly with wrem.

    P.S. Dont worry, when you come back, wrem will be waiting for you, bigger, stronger, and better than ever :)
    kritacul likes this.
  9. Don't worry, you will most likely see me on the server in the very near future as I phase out my involvement. I will try my best to make sure everything can continue normally after my departure.
  10. What is the *newer* NR 'state' that I just moved my house to? Not Wrem the other one?
  11. well, you should have asked me before building.

    Inzoino is the "Capital", and older city. Bother are part of the same region, Thomas island
  12. You have been a terrific help, and we will not forget your contributions, fellow Tyrone denizen.
    Dean_Catterson likes this.
  13. Sorry didn't realise you had to ask. Can I keep mt house?
  14. That area is for shops, if you want to make it a shop,you can.
  15. I was originally havimy it as a farm shop with a farm somewhere on it. Is that ok?
  16. I, 72Volt, the de facto leader of the New Republic, declare the document put forward as our Constitution, which has received a solid two-thirds majority from voters, to be enacted! I record that the required vote was obtained at 5:44PM GMT, on this day, the twenty-second day of the month of May, in the year two thousand and thirteen, and I decree that the document shall now act as the establishing and constitutional text of the New Republic!

    However, there is still so much time and so little to do! Wait...reverse that.
    Now the New Republic exists, we need to form a functioning government. I declare that an election shall take place, via the single transferable vote, and every citizen of the New Republic shall be entitled to a vote, as prescribed by our Constitution. A date will be confirmed later.

    For now, I'd like to thank everyone who has taken an interest and shown enthusiasm in the project, and to that end, I tell you this; it is merely the beginning. :)
    mba2012 likes this.
  17. I prefer we have no farms inside the city
  18. I'll keep as shop then.
  19. Deep man. Cheers sort of neighbour!
  20. Good luck on your travels bro :cool:
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