The New Republic

Discussion in 'Frontier and Player Outposts' started by 72Volt, Feb 15, 2013.

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  1. Cool, sounds like a plan.

    Yeah, that sounds like a good idea. As long as its ok with everyone participating in the debate.
  2. Also, i think it might be a good idea to have some sort of mediator for the debate. Just to give it some kind of structure.
    L0tad likes this.
  3. Supereskimo.
    He is the Picasso of mediation and arbitration.
    napoleon3665 and kritacul like this.
  4. That's flattering, but I won't be online much for the next week or so, because I'm visiting family. I definitely won't be able to moderate any debates.
    brickstrike likes this.
  5. He has already said he won't be able to attend...
  6. Oh, yes, that's right. I see. We will eagerly await your return.
    brickstrike likes this.
  7. You guys should have a debate before I come back so I have something to watch :)
    kritacul likes this.
  8. Dear Dean,

    Can we get an update on whats going on with the harbor in wrem? Im kinda curious as to what has been going on with it. Thanks.
  9. Since the harbor was given to me a lot of projects have been going on, so it was unfortunately overlooked for some time. There seems to be a number of wooden rectangles on it, I have no idea who owns them. However whenever that has been figured out I will talk with the owner as to what they would like to do with it.

    I would like to extend it slightly so that it goes the whole away around the southern portion of the Bay, extending toward the path to the National Hall.
    Currently the over head canal is in the way though, but I am working on a plan for the area which I will submit to the infrastructure department in the next few days with the hope of completely solving the problem by the end of August at the latest.
  10. He managed to insult the post directly under mine multiple times...
  11. Well, i do know that a while ago, one of those plots thats there was supposed to be mine. Back when l0tad owned it i paid him for a plot and then that big dispute over the harbor happened, so im not sure what you want to do with that.
    kritacul likes this.
  12. I see. In that case I would suggest either making some sort of stall or asking L0tad for the money back
  13. Also, L0tad, whens the next news broadcast?
  14. Eh..wot???

    Next Friday
  15. Can't wait for me and Nap's interviews :D
    napoleon3665 likes this.
  16. Guys, for the debate talk, can someone please bring it into a PM, we don't need to spam the whole thread, if only a few people are partaking in the debate. Thank you :)
    72Volt likes this.
  17. If there's a debate, I'd like to participate.
    napoleon3665 likes this.
  18. Ok. If the debate is to be held, it should be in game, not over a mumble network, mainly because I won't be able to get into it, but it would be better to make proper use of a facility. I propose that the debate be held in the National Hall in Wrem at about 10pm GMT on friday evening, 7 or 8am GMT saturday or 10pm GMT saturday evening.
    brickstrike likes this.
  19. <--- Loving the new signature. Perhaps we can get the other ministers to jump on the bandwagon?
  20. My favorite would be Friday, then there's a chance I could be there. Also due to the nature of life and considering it is a game the person(s) moderating the debate should probibly alot for breaks and random Lu having to go afk.
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