The New Era (RolePlay)

Discussion in 'Miscellaneous' started by Mrlegitislegit, Jan 12, 2013.

  1. Greenland anti-matter production increase. 9oz. a mo.
    Chemists singe their eyebrows off in accidental creation of a single-celled organism, dubbed "li'l guy"
  2. India Told you...

    India sends Aircraft boat to north Atlantic as a back up for the Spanish attack
  3. Okay... So if anti-matter is what I think it is, being not matter or just plain nothingness... How in the world does it have a weight?
    bitmonger20 likes this.
  4. Progressia declares a Final Conquest. From this point on, we are now at war with all nations other than ourselves, and we intend to obliterate all filth that declares themselves to be not Progressian.
    Our first acts in the Final Conquest are as follows.
    • From our German territory, Progressia deploys a nuclear bomb in Luxembourg, Monaco, and the Vatican City, completely destroying the 3 countries.
    • Also from our German territory, the five Diplomacy-series projects, which we reveal to be the DYING Quadrio of military endeavours, we deploy the advanced Yttrium (ground force), International (naval force) and North (air force) to take over France. We also nuke Paris.
    • We also nuke Madrid and send DYING forces to take Spain.
    • Korea is surrounded by DYING forces. Nukes are dropped on Pyongyang and Seoul, and the forces begin their advance throughout Korea.
    • Brazilian Progressia sends forces to take the American South and the Carribbean. Houston and Puerto Rico are nuked.
    • From our Chinese territory, we invade the north of India. Delhi and Mumbai are nuked.
    • From our USSR territory, Anchorage is nuked and a DYING advance begins throughout Alaska, the west coast of Canada and northwest US.
    • The satellites in Project Gratitude begin to assemble.
    Progressia will prevail.
  5. So if what I just read is true, you just destroyed every non-Progressian country in one post...
  6. Not quite. Granted, I destroyed every citystate in one post, as would be possible. I've merely launched an invasion into the other Rosefield Pact countries. Should the invasions be successful, I will then obliterate those outside of the pact and Progressia will be the only state in the world.
  7. France foresaw the nuke from suspicious activity. France's entire population was in the numerous fallout shelters throughout the nation and only 50,000 people died due to not entering a shelter or going out to soon.
    The air has been cleared of radiation and France is readying it's military for battle.

    Meanwhile France works on a new tank and begins to rebuild.

    France requests assistance in battle due to it's lack of tanks, aircraft, and flat out technology.
  8. Greenland will aid france. Three anti-matter missiles, ready to launch. At your command.
    Just incase you couldn't tell, greenland left progressia. We now fully support that one project, however, we will not do much to aid, do to our pacifist standards. Votes: 3/5
  9. Nuclear weapons are not the only item in the Progressian arsenal.
    The advanced Yttrium, International and North forces have been worked on by the greatest minds in Progressia for years, who have had access to incredibly advanced techniques throughout. So far, they've taken Metz, Nancy, Strasbourg, Colmar, Mulhouse and Belfort in one fell sweep. The International forces have taken Brest, Quimper, Vannes, Nantes, La Rochelle, Bordeaux, Rennes and Angers, and they are advancing rapidly.

    Paris is coming under sustained bombing and airstrikes. Weakened from the nuke since almost every building has been destroyed except for the shelters, we've sent in an air team to capture the city. Before long, support should be in from the Coastal Front and the Eastern Front. Before long, we'll take the country.

    The Gratitude satellites have almost assembled. We might test them on you if the effort isn't going too well, which it is.
  10. Your capital, Nuuk, is now nuked.
  11. No technology can beat the DYING Quadrio.
  12. One 10oz. antimatter missile to your satellite. 2 to your base of command. Both are now basically obliterated.
    And did you really think, we kept all 5 of our government in one spot? Infact, none of them were. WE also shot your nukes out of the sky before it even reach out border. Sometimes, defenses do come in handy.
  13. We operate in a decentralized manner, in clandestine cells across all Progressian territories. No base of command exists.
    Also, we can easily send another satellite up. As a matter of fact, this one is improved, with an antimatter interception laser system and in terms of its general function.
  14. Bad news! 36 oz. of antimatter lost, and also 3 of our factories. And the 7 cities surrounding them. Darn.
  15. I sense godmode-ing in the future from volt
    Squizzel_Boy and penfoldex like this.
  16. The thing about antimatter, is that it only explodes in contact with other matter. The 2 missiles that were sent take out you nuclear arsenal, instead, causing widespread fallout. With our invention of the antimatter missile, nuclear assault was deemed obsolete. Our nuclear power plants n stuffs are now gone. Just so you know, an oz of antimatter can create an explosion about 86x the hiroshima bomb. Not sci fic, just fact.
  17. France's tank is finished and names the Penguin.
    Hundreds are made and are being deployed wiping out Progessia forces.
    Also... What the hecks a DYING Quadrio.
  18. Again, how can something that's not matter, essential nothing... Have a weight?
    L0tad likes this.
  19. France also begins on Nuclear/Antimatter Defense System.
  20. Antimatter is matter that is the opposite of reg. matter. There is no difference, except that they explode on contact.