The New Era (RolePlay)

Discussion in 'Miscellaneous' started by Mrlegitislegit, Jan 12, 2013.

  1. America again questions Mexico on the sickness...
  2. Luxembourg decides to put 20 b2 bombers on 3 carriers on the northeast part of the black sea
  3. Monaco finishes the design for the submarines. the submarines exact specs are classified, but they are not capable of launching nuclear munitions.
    Monaco begins production of these subs.
    Monaco also ends production of the AMDS-APC. Monaco now has 40 of the AMDS-APC.
  4. Seeking closer integration with its North American allies, Progressia pledges social, economic and diplomatic assistance of any type we can supply as required.

    Progressia also begins work on Project Whiterock, one of its biggest projects yet.

    Progressia also pays new members Monaco and Vatican City a jovial welcome :D
  5. Monaco also seeks closer integration with north american countries, and does the same
  6. Why the sudden mass of bombers near Progressia and most concerning Germany?
    creepincreepers7 likes this.
  7. Monaco questions Luxembourgs positioning of planes.
    Daxter9133 likes this.
  8. Monaco ends production of its subs. its capable of carrying a squad of soldiers, carries a small boat for the squad to use, and has a crew of 25 not counting the squad. it has 8 torpedo tubes, and 4 vertically launching missile tubes. Monaco has fifteen of these subs, and deploys 5 of them near Progressia for in the case of attack by Luxembourg
  9. Because of nations like Nigeria :/
  10. Germany works on a new anti-aircraft system that can be installed discreetly on-top of most buildings in Germany.
  11. Luxembourg wouldn't bomb any nations at its being right now
  12. Monaco withdraws 3 subs from their current assignment
  13. ......Nigeria is on another continent, sorry but this action is still very suspicious.
    bitmonger20 likes this.
  14. Monaco requests a blueprint for this
  15. I am a ally with you, why would i do anything supicoious?
  16. It's all yours just don't share it. And could i get could I get the blueprint for those upward firing missile tubes off of your sub.
  17. Just wondering why u would put your bombers there where they can't go anywhere else unless they go through the small channel.
  18. Fine i will withdraw my carriers back to port and B2 bombers to Luxembourg air force base
  19. What port. Your a landlocked nation.
    creepincreepers7 likes this.
  20. sure