The New Era (RolePlay)

Discussion in 'Miscellaneous' started by Mrlegitislegit, Jan 12, 2013.

  1. I've been absent for all this!!
    Also North Korea just gained the ability to build ICBMs a month ago.
    And we return with full fledged invasion, completely destroying many of your ground troops.
  2. didnt really give a reason. Germany's Humanitarian Aid is offered to North Korea.
  3. If it is ok with everyone I would like to continue as a different country.
  4. I got this. You were only hit by 3 of those nukes. Humanitarian Aid is requested for America.
  5. .........If Germany gets to control North Korea im fine with you starting fresh.
  6. Luxembourg starts smelting minerals together to make Titanium
  7. Luxembourg Starts putting the small replica of the stealth bomber up made of titanium
  8. Awh man…I missed another war. South Korea is annoyed for missing yet another conflict.
    fluffinator09 likes this.
  9. South Korea is welcome. North Korea will no longer be a threat. And Germany suggests you occupy North Korea with your troops. Germany will help you take it over, (if this is ok with all other players that Pat starts back as another country). Then it'll be just Korea
    fluffinator09 likes this.
  10. USA will be absent for a bit.
    We appreciate any aid given, those nukes did hurt!
    Daxter9133 likes this.
  11. Waits for Legit to say something about Pat switching.
    Daxter9133 likes this.
  12. Replica done of stealth bomber and nows begin production of 20 b2 bombers

    Attached Files:

  13. So Germany gets North Korea,
    Nation: Vatican City
    Government type: Absolute Monarchy
  14. South Korea sends aid to the US. :)
  15. VC.jpeg Pats Military if he had one.... LOL
  16. Actually the Vatican guard are some B.A. mofos.
  17. Indeed
    Daxter9133 likes this.
  18. I see no problem with turning over North Korea to you penfoldex. Until you request, German soldiers will remain in country. The Naval fleet will return to port in Japan to receive repairs.
  19. Laos wishes to ally with Korea. By the way, I am a republic now. We finish our stuff. With our moon base, we begin collecting and testing and doing other sciencey stuff. We begins a small drilling operation, to discover vast qualities of several minerals. Laos sends more equiptment and supplies to the base, and increases funding of the project.

    You seriously are gonna be the Pope? O.O
    pat2011 likes this.
  20. I'm still waiting for Legit.
    Until then, Germany controls North Korea.
    Daxter9133 likes this.