The New Era (RolePlay)

Discussion in 'Miscellaneous' started by Mrlegitislegit, Jan 12, 2013.

  1. All navy officials are on high alert and are ready to fight off a German invasion from the sea and land. North Korea shoots down the German spy planes that pilots are tortured for any information.
  2. Monaco begins to build planes in large numbers.
  3. North Korea drops a few small bombs on the German blockade to scatter them.
  4. Luxembourg finally decides to bring their shuttle home with some information
  5. Monaco activates its most recent satellite. it can shoot down ICBM by firing smaller rockets at it. its position is unknown.
  6. German naval vessels are armed and on high alert. Forces in China begin to set up artillery. The new German satellite begins taking low resolutions of North Korea to track ship and troop movements........ I will say this, you have one last chance to show the world what you are doing in these camps or it will be asumed that they are death camps and action will be taken in the form of shelling and bombing of military installations.
    Squizzel_Boy likes this.
  7. Pat, no. you cant attack countries in a previous chat message.
  8. Ground troops are sent to China to fight off the other German blockade.
    5 nukes are dropped on America and 2 on Germany. Better?
  9. yes. Monaco sends all of its jets loaded with napalm and burns many North Korea barracks
  10. 3 of the nukes were taken down by german planes sacraficing themselves, German submarines fire long range rockets into heavily populated areas of North Korea. The attack on the German ground forces that were dug in didnt scatter them. full on assault from 3 sides of your country land and sea.
  11. America's not here to defend themselves
  12. Monaco sends a full out ground assault on north korean cities
    Daxter9133 likes this.
  13. German VX gas is dropped on the capital city of North Korea.
  14. Luxembourg starts to do research about making stealth bombers.
  15. Aren't you my ally. I just got nuked. Wana help?
  16. ok guys I gotta go do something else. one last thing. the first satellite i sent up was really a one time ICBM launcher. i fire it at north korea. north korea is effectively out.
  17. Lol idk how that'll go over with everyone else. But with 3 countries bombing and shelling and invading them i think they have been kinda outmatched. Over one little thing too.
  18. These attacks have killed the leader of North Korea we have surrendered and are in a deep state of mourning. We will slowly rebuild but will never forget this many people could have been saved if foreign powers had just left North Korea alone.
    Daxter9133 likes this.
  19. Unconditional surrender is all I offer. You murdered thousands of Germans. German troops now occupy you.
  20. You looked at me crazy when i said i wanted to blow satellite out of sky....