The New Era (RolePlay)

Discussion in 'Miscellaneous' started by Mrlegitislegit, Jan 12, 2013.

  1. Well then you have no problem with the Admiral of my navy landing at one of your ports and taking a little tour.
  2. I call BS. Back it up a bit.
    bitmonger20 and Daxter9133 like this.
  3. Monaco requests to be an ally of Canada
  4. Canada accepts.
  5. I do have a problem with that. I would like only 1 representative to enter for North Korea wishes for their nation a land of just North Koreans nobody else.
  6. Then you will let the General of the Canadian army in.
  7. Monaco allready sent one a few pages back
  8. I am probably thinking of the 21st century...but i have read in a book that they are quite wealthy
  9. And what have they reported?
  10. Not saying their not wealthy, but you can't use money to advance you're self that far in two pages.
  11. they had seen some really bad living conditions, but nothing much else that is bad.
  12. In that case. German naval ships are ordered to form a blockade not letting any country send you supplies by sea. Also the area around the German fleet is a no fly zone, any planes entering this zone without permission will be shot down. An attack on my fleet will result in an invasion. Consider yourself between a rock and a hard place. You are cut off.
  13. stand down, there is no reason to attack just yet. unless they attack another country, which will mean all out war, do not attack
  14. Canada will be gone for a bit, going to Soccer pictures.

    Also, please don't blow yourselves to bits yet, I want to be here for it.
    bitmonger20 likes this.
  15. You were only permitted to see the one they wanted you to see. The blockade will continue
  16. You do realize that we have never traded with any other country. And we also have no allies so no will be coming into our country.
  17. Ok i see how i will be doing this now. It will take me more pages to do certain stuff but right now i will say i am at the moon. Sorry guys
  18. Monaco sends another satellite into space.
  19. That dosen't matter you cant be completely self sufficient you have to trade with someone or your economy will die. German spy planes begin flyovers to determine the nature of the other camps.
  20. Monaco requests again for the countries involved in this conflict to stand down their forces.