The Empire Union

Discussion in 'Community Discussion' started by 72Volt, Nov 7, 2012.


Empire Union, yay or nay?

Poll closed Dec 7, 2012.
Yay 4 vote(s) 8.7%
Nay 31 vote(s) 67.4%
IcecreamCow 11 vote(s) 23.9%
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  1. Haha go look up Jimmy Hoffa , my comment was a joke not to be taken serious lol
  2. I've only just got the emu joke... I feel ashamed.
  3. Or you can do what I do, and have multiple wild camps. (Going to have one on each server other than Utopia, have one on 3 and 2 so far.) Build them, let them develop, and then go to the next server, and do the same. This way, you can have a "union", but not one that takes over all of EMC.
  4. I WANT ALL TEH COOKIES!¡!¡lolcaps
    mba2012 likes this.
  5. #IsAnythingRelevantAnymore?
    battmeghs likes this.
  6. mba2012 and Gap542 like this.
  7. Obama approves of me? One more reason to vote legit.
    mba2012, Gap542 and battmeghs like this.
  8. guys, someones gotta pass the napkins, my fingers are covered in butter and hot sauce.. i've had too much popcorn.
  9. Passes a used rags from back pocket
  10. I know Minecraft has nothing to do with real life, but, since when has a socialist government succeeded and not failed and turned communist? Or worse, just collapsed into chaos. What if that were to happen in this "simulation"?
  11. I love 72volt's ideas because of how entertaining the comments are in his threads. He wants to control everyone and everything, and all in all just brainwash people to do what he wants when he wants. I have one thing to say:

    mba2012, battmeghs and PandasEatRamen like this.
  12. Hypnotoad.gif
    bl8nk, mba2012, Haerhitman and 3 others like this.
  13. I am sorry to say this, but I'll dance around my bedroom if this tread crashes and burns to the ground.
    mba2012, SoulPunisher and battmeghs like this.
  14. Wtf? Popcorn with hot sauce?
  15. wont we all.

    yes, its very very very good. you should probably try it. ^.^
  16. Me = nOez undurstan dis.


    I actually like-ish these sort of thing (All the main post stuff) but I doubt it'll work out on EMC. You MAY control the Economy, just no the players. This might not the the type of Game/Server/Community to try and do this on. I've seen some other games with things like these but they're based around that,unlike MineCraft.
  17. Everybody except Crazy and Volt.
  18. I'm that || close on commenting on this, but I'm not sure if there's anyone who would understand. :confused:
    Did anyone of you actually (try to) live under a communist regime? :D

    72volt: the basic idea of supporting development of a community is indeed a good one, but
    - you apparently did not read old forum threads (that would help you with it)
    - you failed to recognize what EMC is about and how it lives (don't worry, you're not alone)
    - you did not really think this through :)

    EMC is lacking at least 2 crucial properties that would be needed for a community to develop.
    This would be a real problem for your idea, not the loud minority who would ridicule anything.
    Competition question: which two? :)
    Prize: 2500r
    mba2012 and Gap542 like this.
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