The Empire Union

Discussion in 'Community Discussion' started by 72Volt, Nov 7, 2012.


Empire Union, yay or nay?

Poll closed Dec 7, 2012.
Yay 4 vote(s) 8.7%
Nay 31 vote(s) 67.4%
IcecreamCow 11 vote(s) 23.9%
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  1. xD
  2. JackBiggin2?
  3. I will not let that happen. I am going to follow through with this regardless of what my criticizers say and I'll be more than that guy who tried to make lava walls around SMP5's wild.
  4. can i have the kitkats?!
    mba2012 and JackBiggin2 like this.
  5. I would be interested in this, but things should probably be built up a little more before public recruiting. And from what I heard, you don't have a very sparkling clean record that may cause skepticism among a large number of people. And how will you maintain these wild bases you talk of, will they be far enough so theres untouched land for people to enjoy?
    battmeghs likes this.
  6. Congratulations! You can count to the 2nd number! ;)
  7. Yes I break off a piece for you here
  8. Well, this is a more organized effort that can bring people together.
  9. Will do.
    The wild bases will be as far as is needed, everything will be catered for.
  10. You know, nothing is stopping all you nay-sayers from winning every election for every server and taking complete control of his group.

    What you do with it after that is up to you. ;)
    I doubt that flaming him will get you anywhere.
  11. I think the mods are pretty organized...

    After all, they have:
    • Square
    • /c m
    • Aikar's annoying love of consistency
    mba2012, battmeghs and jkjkjk182 like this.
  12. Thank you. Solid empirical evidence we have a sensible moderation team.
    The Empire Union is what you make it. We can all work towards the common goal on everyone's terms.
  13. Ur a knew meber, wart du u no abut dem?
  14. Because one Jack wan't enough.
    mba2012, battmeghs and JackBiggin2 like this.
  15. I got a question about the union is the Mob going to be involved because I don't want end up like Jimmy Hoffa?
  16. Correct.
    mba2012, battmeghs and jkjkjk182 like this.
  17. We'll add an anti-Mob segment to our Constitution :)
  18. I don't want my Minecraft life to resemble Anthem... so no.
    nickjwolfe likes this.
  19. Hire EyeCar. His entity limiter hates mobs...

    mba2012 and jkjkjk182 like this.
  20. Hey if this passes then we'll have EMU and The Umbrella Corporation. TWO groups who turn people into mindless zombies :D.
    mba2012, SoulPunisher and battmeghs like this.
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