The Empire Minecraft Mod

Discussion in 'General Minecraft Discussion' started by A_Dolphin, Feb 18, 2013.

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  1. I already submitted one, but I am not in the mod, so i'm resubmitting :)
    How long have you been playing on EMC?500+ Days
    What are you well-known for?Being The President of Void Inc, on SMP7.
    Aggressive or Passive? Can I have Neutral? if not, Aggressive
    Selectively aggressive towards certain mobs?Cows, Matheus
    Skin(Username, link)?
    Attack Strength (If Aggressive), enter princebee in the search.
    Breeding Item (If Passive) N/A
    Drop Item? I'd like to buy an item, so that.
    Health Count? 50 Hearts
    Sound of Living?XP 5 level noise (That little tune)
    Sound of Hurt? Enderman noise that happens when he first aggros on you
    Sound of Death? Creeper hiss
    Mob egg colors(2)? Backround Spots
  2. Not a bug, and BURN THEM ALL!!
    You can't be aggressive and be bred too.
    You can't drop spawn eggs, or items with custom percentiles.
    Health and death noise? Copying and pasting the form really helps.
    xI_LIKE_A_PIGx likes this.
  3. Bug Report: Can't hit bigdavie when pointing at the head but you have to hit him below the head where his invisible "body" is.
    Leopard_Knight likes this.
  4. Changelog, it helps in knowing when bugs are fixed.
    Fixed in forge update
  5. I'd like to request a few changes to my mob that were included in my application to add the mob, but even though I've asked you about this multiple times, it has only been ignored so far.

    1. It drops 0-5 diamond swords, but it was supposed to be 0-1.
    2. It deals 1 heart of damage to an unarmored player, it is supposed to be 3.
    3. It has 22 hearts of health, it is supposed to be 30.

    Apart from these bug fixes, I'd like a few changes and extra features too.
    1. I'd like to wield a Diamond Sword, which I stated before.
    2. Make me aggressive against JustinGuy
    3. If it's possible, have me rarely (I was thinking about a 5% chance for it) spawn with full iron armor.
    4. Make me sometimes (10-20% chance) spawn with a bow that I can shoot with?

    Please do what is possible out of these, and if you need payment, just tell me and I'll pay once it's released so that I know that it's working.
  6. 1. It is not really possible to have custom, definite drop numbers, or percentiles, but I've lowered the drop number for the forge update.
    2. I made it deal 3 hearts already, what difficulty are you playing on?
    3. Fixed in forge update

    1. Not available, as forge is dumb.
    2. Fixed in forge update
    3. Can't do that
    4. That'd require a different mob.
  7. I just tested, and it's 1 heart for Easy-Normal and 1.5 for Hard.
  8. Actually.. Can I happen to have my own skin? (Choongjae?)

  9. oh, just you guys wait until the next update, the things I have heard about it :)
  10. 85 PERCENT! WOOOT!
  11. Rainbow, what'd you do?
    RainbowChin, AlexHallon and mba2012 like this.
  12. What's this? It seems like there's a texture missing?
  13. I was testing something and I didn't have time to make a texture.
  14. Username: colesta1200
    How long have you been playing on EMC? 465 Days.
    What are you well-known for? 7216 on smp3 and my building skills
    Aggressive or Passive? aggressive
    Selectively aggressive towards certain mobs? creepers
    Skin(Username, link)? Astronaut
    Attack Strength (If Aggressive) 3 hearts
    Breeding Item (If Passive) N/A
    Drop Item? 0-4 gold ingots
    Health Count? 40 hearts
    Sound of Living? wolf bark
    Sound of Hurt? zombie hurt
    Sound of Death? ghast death
    Mob egg colors(2)? purple background and blue spots (royal blue)
  15. May I see a pic of my mob?
  16. You have just helped me tremendously.
  17. I have a question, what is the thing with the X in it, and it uses §k xxxx xxxxx
  18. It's code, I really don't like the concept at all so I'm going to remove it in the forge update, might bring it back later.
  19. I'd just like to know if there is an easy way to use this mod and not have to download it onto my minecraft.
  20. That's basically what a mod requires, but you can try downloading it onto someone else's minecraft.
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