The Empire Minecraft Mod

Discussion in 'General Minecraft Discussion' started by A_Dolphin, Feb 18, 2013.

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  1. No it hasn't.
  2. Re-posting application
    How long have you been playing on EMC?24 days
    What are you well-known for?Making redstone things
    Aggressive or Passive?Passive
    Selectively aggressive towards certain mobs:N/A
    Attack Strength (If Aggressive)
    Breeding Item:Redstone
    Drop Item?Iron Ingot
    Health Count?20 hearts
    Sound of Living?Chicken
    Sound of Hurt?Cow
    Sound of Death?Ghast
    Mob egg colors(2)?Background Spots
    Paid already
  3. derp ._.
  4. Delete that.
    As I said, No. It Hasn't.
  5. Couldn't see it
    Wanted to change a few details anyway
  6. Username: Crazy1800
    How long have you been playing on EMC? 503 or 504 days now
    What are you well-known for? Most people say "wernt u a mod" when they first talk to me. So I'm pretty well known for being my brother.
    Aggressive or Passive? Aggressive
    Selectively aggressive towards certain mobs? Chickens
    Skin(Username, link)?
    Attack Strength (If Aggressive) 3 hearts
    Breeding Item (If Passive) N/A
    Drop Item? Yellow Dye (0-5)
    Health Count? 20 hearts
    Sound of Living? Zombie (Cuz Johnny no have a brain... get it?)
    Sound of Hurt? Johnny doesn't make a sound when he gets hurt.
    Sound of Death? The sound a ghast makes when it shoots it's flaming balls of death.
    Mob egg colors(2)? Yellow and Black. Or Black and Yellow. *Insert Wiz joke*
    Paying you in a moment :D
  7. Because of the colour you put on it.
    Also, there is an edit button
    607 likes this.
  8. Username: NoahMarcusWhite
    How long have you played EMC: 275 days
    What am i most well known for? well.... for me... i like to make redstone generators... stone, obsidian, wood
    Aggresive or passive: aggresive
    selectivly aggresive towards: enderman
    attack strength: 4 hearts
    brreding item: N/A
    Drop item? gold (0-3)
    health count: 25 hearts
    sound of living: steve
    sound of hurt: steve
    sound of death: steve
    Mob egg colors background, dots
    paying you soon :)
  9. Did some work today figuring out how to work with forge. I don't like it, but I don't care.
    Anyways, here's the photo of the first mob implemented into the forge version.

    Hideous, I know. (You need to still tell me your 2 colours, Mr. Chin, and not rainbow)
    I also will not include nametags above players(although I kind of liked them) because if you look down, you might see a few name tags underground, which can be quite annoying. 4 files done, a lot more to go,~50(but less because I won't be making private render files for each mob).
    boozle628, 607, mba2012 and 1 other person like this.
  10. My face :(
    what happened lol?
    nick5013 likes this.
  11. You were looking at something to your left right when I took the screenshot.
    RainbowChin likes this.
  12. Oh
    I thought my head had got reversed...
    607 and nick5013 like this.
  13. This is epic.
    RainbowChin likes this.
  14. It will be even more epic with the secret features that I will put in the next update.
  15. I cant wait for it to be fixed. :D
  16. Just requested via PM to be in da mod! :D
  17. Didn't you say that twice?
  18. I don't think so?
  19. Ok, moved from PM to here!
    Username: Oidgod
    Today (5/14/13) Is my 543rd day here.
    I am well known for my love of chickens; see res 401.
    Agressive to silverfish.
    Skin: oidgod
    2.5 hearts per hit.
    Breeding item: None; Agressive.
    Item dropped: 1 chicken spawner egg. (If not allowed 6 regular eggs)
    10 hearts
    Sound Living Chicken Noises
    Sound hurt: None.
    Sound Death: ghast cry.
    Mob egg colors: Grey and Light Brown.
  20. Username: Oidking
    Today (5/14/13) Is my 560th day here.
    I am well known for being oidking
    Agressive to Player.
    Skin: oidking
    2.5 hearts per hit.
    Breeding item: None; Agressive.
    Item dropped:Blaze Rods
    Sound Living Blaze Living
    Sound hurt: Blaze Damaged
    Sound Death: Blaze dead
    Mob egg colors: White and Black Green
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