The Empire Minecraft Mod

Discussion in 'General Minecraft Discussion' started by A_Dolphin, Feb 18, 2013.

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  1. Do we have to be current or diamond supporter for this?
  2. Not sure what you mean by "current", but mostly anyone can be in the mod if they post an interesting/legit application.
    607 likes this.
  3. Lol... Meant current or past diamond supporter.
    How long have you been playing on EMC? Since January 15, 2013. I'm not on a computer so I don't have a day count.
    What are you well-known for? Ranting and raving on the forums, then getting made fun of when I try to apologize.
    Aggressive or Passive? Passive (Aggressive when attacked)
    Selectively aggressive towards certain mobs? Aggressive against weirdmanaico (if he's in it) and rainbowchin (if he is in it)
    Model of Mob (Biped, Cow, etc.) Biped
    Attack Strength (If Aggressive) N/A
    Breeding Item (If Passive) Sandstone
    Drop Item? 0-5 diamond
    Health Count? 20
    Sound of Living? Cow moo
    Sound of Hurt? Blaze hiss
    Sound of Death? Creeper explosion.
  4. Well, the fact that you can do any of it is awesome, so thx a TON, and, ya no, if you have any extra time, and your looking for something challenging to code, you could always go back to the details XD

    But for now, *calls aikar* hey, aikar, can you code everything in that other post i wrote, but am too lazy to quote in this post? *pretends to hear aikar say "sure :p" even thought he doubtfully would* Thx man! XD

    O, and if thats true, then I meant custom texture, not biped XD
  5. How long have you been playing on EMC? 55 days, january 5
    What are you well-known for? Farming all the time, not much going into wild.
    Aggressive or Passive? Passive
    Selectively aggressive towards certain mobs? Villagers
    Model of Mob (Biped, Cow, etc.) Pig
    Attack Strength (If Aggressive) N/A
    Breeding Item (If Passive) Cooked porkchop
    Drop Item? 3 - 6 snowballs
    Health Count? 2
    Sound of Living? Pig oink
    Sound of Hurt? Pig die
    Sound of Death? no
    nick5013 likes this.
  6. What kind of texture would you want for your mob, your character turned into a pig?
  7. same as pig, but with purple skin and green eyes, if possible.
    nick5013 likes this.
  8. Name: adsingh
    How long have you been playing on EMC: 147 days.
    What are you well known for: Being a human Minecraft Guide, basically, you can ask me any question about Minecraft (except code) and I'll most likely know the answer.
    Aggressive Or Passive: Neutral, if I'm attacked, I'll become aggressive.
    Aggressive to any specific mobs: Kills chickens on sight.
    Model of Mob: Steve, or Human, except with my skin.
    Attack Strength: 10 health points, or 5 hearts without armor. Also, I throw Primed TNT at you if you get within 2 blocks of me.
    Breeding Item: Tamable with 16 TNT.
    Drop Item: 1 TNT, and 1 Gold.
    Health: 50 health points, or 25 hearts.
    Sound Of Living: Ghast Living Sound
    Sound Of Hurt: Ghast Hurt Noise
    Sound Of Death: Wither Death Noise
    Thanks Nick! I love your EMC mod, and I really hope you add me in it!
    My skin: And im getting sick of changing my skin.png
    nick5013 likes this.
  9. Who all has been added to the mod?
  10. Everyone who has posted before this reply will be in the next update.
  11. Was my application accepted?
  12. Let me know before you do mine, I can get you my skin I want to use, I'm currently a derpy Ice cream cone >.>
  13. Yes, although your and a lot of others' item drops will be nerfed because they drop too many items. To keep it balanced, there can only be 0-2 drops.
  14. Go ahead and link me to it.
  15. Lol
    Lol. How many did I do?
  16. Username: DogsRNice
    How long have you been playing on EMC? 320 days :O
    What are you well-known for? a total lack of order on my res beaing on the forums alot
    Aggressive or Passive? nutral but if you attack i will attack back
    Selectively aggressive towards certain mobs? sheep (sheep are evil)
    Model of Mob (Biped, Cow, etc.) biped
    Attack Strength (If Aggressive) 2
    Breeding Item (If Passive) snow blocks tame me :p then i can be breed with them
    Drop Item? a 2% chance of dropping a "DogsRNice's sheep slayer" (texture sheep slayer tex.png ) (can also be crafted crafting.png )
    Health Count?same as normal player
    Sound of Living?none
    Sound of Hurt? player pain sounds
    Sound of Death? old "oof" pain sound
    if i dont make it in can you atleast add the sheep slayer
    skin: DogsRNice.png
  17. Username: Princebee

    How long have you been playing on EMC? 457 or 458 days

    What are you well-known for?Posting a lot on the forums

    Aggressive or Passive? Neutral

    Selectively aggressive towards certain mobs? All Nether Mobs (Wither, Blaze, Pigmen)

    Model of Mob (Biped, Cow, etc.) Biped, Please look up my skin on

    Attack Strength (If Aggressive) 10 Dmg

    Breeding Item (If Passive) Could I Be Tamed? of so, tamable with 1 Nether Star

    Drop Item? Ice, Fire, Coal, Bone, Nether Star (Nether Star is %0.5 Drop)

    Health Count? 200 (100 Hearts)

    Sound of Living? Fire

    Sound of Hurt? Ice Breaking

    Sound of Death? Wither Scream

    Could you make me able to equip armor & Weapons Please?
  18. I'll apply to be added into the mod when I finish redoing my skin >.> I'm currently my first skin combined with the a half-completed new skin...
  19. Is mine accepted? Also, does it need to be nerfed?
  20. Yours doesn't need to be nerfed, but I can't have you be tamed.
    adsingh likes this.
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