The Empire Minecraft Mod

Discussion in 'General Minecraft Discussion' started by A_Dolphin, Feb 18, 2013.

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  1. No combo sounds.
    PandasEatRamen likes this.
  2. Same as what I put in the conversation on the forum, nick, but are you actually gonna make a mod for all of us? Isn't that a little much, think it'll make the game a little to complicated, if you know what I mean. Or at least make 1 mod with just the mods, and have the EMCians be the remaining mods that don't have another roll, and then a second mod just like that, but then with everyone else added.
  3. What?
    mba2012 and RainbowChin like this.
  4. I'm running out of good ideas for the mod if there's only going to be a mod only with the moderators/administrators in it. I'm letting others be in the mod because they're part of this awesome community. And they won't be spawning like crazy, and I try to keep it as balanced as possible.
  5. O, ok, but can u include me in the mod using the info I put in the conversation?
  6. Can you re-post here with the form?

  7. Username: 333kirby
    How long have you been playing on EMC? Around 470 days
    What are you well-known for?m activity and my giant 3D wool kirby at 4115
    Aggressive or Passive? Aggressive
    Selectively aggressive towards certain mobs? Chickeneer
    Model of Mob (Biped, Cow, etc.) Player, use this skin:
    Attack Strength (If Aggressive) 5 hearts
    Breeding Item (If Passive) N/A
    Drop Item? Sponge
    Health Count? 50 hearts
    Sound of Living? Blaze
    Sound of Hurt? Hiss like a creeper
    Sound of Death? TNT explosion if possible
    nick5013 likes this.
  8. Username: supereskimo
    How long have you been playing on EMC? 310 Days
    What are you well-known for? Map art (and potions back in the day)
    Aggressive or Passive? Passive
    Selectively aggressive towards certain mobs? N/A
    Model of Mob (Biped, Cow, etc.)- Biped
    Attack Strength (If Aggressive)- N/A
    Breeding Item (If Passive)- cooked fish
    Drop Item- 0-8 Snow Blocks
    Health Count- 1 Heart
    Sound of Living- cat purr
    Sound of Hurt- cat hiss
    Sound of Death- howl1 (unused wolf sound) - if not possible, please use egg-laying sound

    Also, if you're going to keep updating this mod for a long time, it would be cool to include Dragon Tombs. Of course, you'd probably have to get help from Aikar (I doubt the mods want to reveal all the secret coding details behind the tombs). Of course, this might not be possible without also including certain plugins used by EMC. Still, it would be a really cool feature if possible.

    Also, thanks for including non-supporter (and ex-supporter) members :)
  9. Username: WolfThunderblade

    How long have you been playing on EMC? 342 days, I think

    What are you well-known for? Saying XD all the time, my old dirt mansion (now netherbrick), and my extra beacons that I never use and refuse to sell XD

    Aggressive or Passive? Aggressive on hit (like wolves) (if possible, always aggressive at night (and, as a bonus, if possible, changes texture to look like figure 2 during the night (bonus to the bonus, when werewolf, spawns either with gold bow or diamond sword, dropping either of those, the 1 its holding as a rare drop, the 1 its not holding with half the chance of being a rare drop, and gold bows, when dropped, get lvl 30 enchants at lvl 10, and have a durability only when its enchanted, and when the durability runs out, it just loses the enchant)), and can be tamed with Wolf Bones, dropped by the WolfThunderblade mob)

    Selectively aggressive towards certain mobs? Pigs

    Model of Mob (Biped, Cow, etc.) Not sure what biped means, but wolf texture with a skin that resembles, or is my skin (if biped means custom, and this is possible, can you use the texture in figure 1 (but with ears), but use a skin the resembles or is mine)

    Attack Strength (If Aggressive) 2.5-3 hearts, random on hit

    Breeding Item (If Passive) (if it can be tamed, then once tamed, it can breed once it kills the pigs, like, it gets the hearts that float around it, showing that it is in the breeding state once it kills the pig)

    Drop Item? Bones 0-2 and gold nugget 0-2, with a rare drop of 1 gold ingot/gold block (if possible, gold block is 5 times more rare than the ingot) (ear buds-works like a portable jukebox, rare drop; and Wolf Bone-used to tame WolfThunderblades) (If it has to be an already existing item, then just the bones 0-2 and gold nugget 0-2, with a rare drop of 1 gold ingot/gold block (if possible, gold block is 5 times more rare than the ingot)

    Health Count? 64 lives (32 total hearts, compared to iron golem, which has 50 heats, 100 lives)

    Sound of Living? Barks (If you cant get a unique sound, then the wolf sound)

    Sound of Hurt? Whimpers (once hurt, starts growling) (If you cant get a unique sound, then the wolf sound)

    Sound of Death? Pained whimper (louder, and more hurt sounding) (If you cant get a unique sound, then the wolf sound)

    I know that I messed up in a ton of spots, but before you tell me that I have added way too much, most of the stuff in parenthathes (however you spell that) was stuff that I thought would be cool, and IF YOU HAVE TIME, I would like you to do them. Now, I know Im not a mod, and I know that you wont have time, but it cant hurt to include the ideas. I have a tendency to go overboard with things like this. And if theres anything that I did wrong besides whats in the parenthathes, can you tell me nicely.

    Figure 1:

    Figure 2:

  10. Copy and paste the form, then fill it in
  11. k, Ill redo it on my other post
  12. Amazing work!
    nick5013 likes this.
  13. sure. sound of living, if possible, an awesome dubstep track? no, ehh? just the sound of pistons, every so often if u cant do dubstep.. will that work?
  14. thanks so much for doing this. your first follow by in-house redstone-specialist-me has been awarded!
  15. I'll see if I can put in a custom sound for you.
  16. Username: mviglione
    How long have you been playing on EMC? 297 days
    What are you well-known for? Having lots of rupees for doing nothing (or not much)
    Aggressive or Passive? Aggressive, but only to two mobs
    Selectively aggressive towards certain mobs? Squids and Cows
    Model of Mob (Biped, Cow, etc.) Biped (use my skin please)
    Attack Strength (If Aggressive) 3.5 hearts
    Breeding Item (If Passive)
    Drop Item? Emeralds: 1-6
    Health Count? 30 hearts
    Sound of Living? Ghast Screams
    Sound of Hurt? Blaze Hurt
    Sound of Death? Blaze Death
    nick5013 likes this.

  17. Most of your post is possible, but I see that the Chien Lurker Model is modeled in techne, if you have that techne file, can you export the the texture map and java file and send me a link to download both?
  18. Wait, you can actually do most of that, SWEET, dude, youre awesome XD

    Ermm, i found those 2 pictures when i searched biped on google XD

    My brother is good with coding and stuff, when he gets back, ill ask him if he can find it

    And wait, when you said you can do most of it, did you mean the regular parts, or the parts in parenthathes (god i cant spell that, but i looked it up, and as it turns out, most people cant either) If so, do you need the model for the werewolf thing?

    Also, if you do the chien model, is it possible for you to add ears?
  19. Biped means the same model as players/humans. I could add ears if I get the techne file, or I could try to figure out how to make it in techne. And I probably can't make all those details on your mob without doing more coding than I'm willing to do. Or you could ask Aikar to code it for you :p
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