The Car Love Thread!

Discussion in 'Miscellaneous' started by FDNY21, Apr 5, 2015.

  1. hahaha hopefully@ Cheers :p
    607 and FDNY21 like this.
  2. Went to Audi day today and it was great, tried some more recording with the tripod :) Not sure how it went but we'll see, I'll upload a video and link you all to it soon!
    607 and luckycordel like this.
  3. Audi Driver International video is up!
    Salmatic and luckycordel like this.
  4. What do you guys think of the latest video? Does the tripod footage look okay? I won't always be able to use the tripod but when I can use it, I hope it makes a positive difference! :p
    607 and luckycordel like this.
  5. I dug it! Footage was stable, Thumbs Up. Not that I would be the one to ask lol.
    Love the sound of the #5 Audi Spoolin' up:D
    FDNY21 likes this.
  6. Glad you liked it Lucky! :D

    The Audi quattro A2 rally car? That thing spools for sure, can hear it a mile off ;) Such a great car! See it a lot actually, number plate FOT 5X... They go to events all over Europe I believe, I see them at Castle Combe, Donington, Goodwood, and strangely enough, saw it in a video of a rally in Germany from this year too! They really get around in that thing!
    luckycordel likes this.
  7. Nitrous Oxide, or bump up the compression ratio.
    Sometimes the simple things, like plugs, wires (or COP), fuel cleaning, and a good tune helps a ton.
    +1 if you can figure out what 'low friction' fluids you can put in. I am partial to royal purple (not only because of the color, but I have had good luck with it in my vehicles)

    Also, I hear that racing stripes adds like 10% horsepower onto your vehicle.

    Vinyl wrap the puppy up. Costs way cheaper than a paint job if you are going to do it yourself. Key is prep.
    Videos when you are done.
    607, luckycordel and FDNY21 like this.
  8. Just thought I'd mention that this claim is 100% true... ;) Stickers help too! c:
    607, luckycordel and highlancer54 like this.
  9. I was crawling within the foot space and underneath my 2g a lot of the weekend.
    Got the master cylinder, slave cylinder, and the entire line set between them. Reservoir re-connected.
    Vacuum bled, then manually bled.
    Then the clutch points adjusted to be exactly where it should be. (there is actually a lot to this. Adjustment of the pedal rod, so that you have the full throw of the clutch, while ensuring that the check valve does not get blocked) Then locking it into position.

    Other than the few drips of coolant that I saw underneath it, the last thing to do *knock on wood* is the wheel bearing.

    Turbo sounded sweet though. Clutch felt even better, and was fab being able to shift gears again!
    FDNY21 likes this.
  10. Sounds like you got a lot of work done and fingers crossed it's all working great! Sounds like you know what you're doing at least! :p

    Got a bit of turbo spool going on there High? :D
    highlancer54 likes this.
  11. They all take maintenance and work. This happened because of my (and previous owners) lack of maintenance.

    The coolant worries me, but I will just make sure that it is filled up before opening it up on the road.
    The true test, on how good my skills are, is how it runs in the end! Thinking about just taking it in to the shop for the bearings. I been working on them too long, and to just 'have it done' I am just about there.

    This one is just my T-25, so nowhere near the upper end of the 16G, but then again, no supporting mods for more flow. Still, good enough to have some fun with it for sure.

    I plan on taking some videos or something, just for this thread. I will call it 'turbo spool high' hehe.
  12. Being able to work on it yourself and get a great final product is really rewarding, good job on it High! Sounds like you've done lots of great work!

    If you can't do the bearings then there's no trouble in asking someone else for help or taking it in - just make sure they do it properly!

    Would love to see some videos of it running some time, no rush, but would be great to see! Cheers High!
    highlancer54 and 607 like this.
  13. Looking forward to see it if you've found another one! :

    Also: yes, highlancer, we want videos! :D
    highlancer54 likes this.
  14. I could. I got the press, got the tools, got the lift, and even all the impact drivers.
    *lacks motivation at the moment*
    hehe maybe that will change the weekend. I have to look into how involved it will be.

    The nice thing about the 2nd Gen DSM, is that you change out the entire hub+bearings, as one assembled unit.

    I did the bearings on my SC2 and my 1st generation AWD DSM, and the knuckle had to be removed (meaning disconnecting the control arms, ball joints, tie rod ends, and axles), the retaining clip removed, and then up on the arbor plates with the 20 ton shop press used to press the old out, and press new ones in. (oh the joys when the shop press 'bangs' as the old bearing breaks free... I usually do not warn people when it will happen as they jump out of their skin (sounds like an explosion lols))

    If my 2g involves removing a knuckle, I am leaning towards spending the $700 to have it done.
    Else, if it is just removing the axle nut and unbolting the hub/bearing, ill just spend the $150 for the alignment after I do it myself. Impact tools makes that 'easy' work. It will just eat up another weekend.

    But, trust me, I am looking forward to taking it out for awhile! The new clutch feel is fab.
    607, luckycordel and FDNY21 like this.
  15. I shall get videos! I will try to keep em legal(ish) on the road ;).
    607 and luckycordel like this.
  16. Sounds like it's going to be a bit of work but if you can save money then go for it. Make sure it's done right though, but I'm sure you know what you're doing *relatively* :p

    Once it's all done you'll be happy with it and be able to enjoy that new clutch some more, and listen to all that turbo and enjoy the driving too! Let us know how you get on and post up the video(s) when you're done, they'll be nice to see! :)
    607, luckycordel and highlancer54 like this.
  17. Forgot to mention but I saw a couple of awesome JDM cars yesterday. A red Nissan 180SX with loud noises coming from both exhaust and what was likely turbo spool too, absolutely awesome. Saw a black Toyota too, I believe some kind of Levin, but not an AE86, a slightly newer one... Not as loud, but certainly still a great car and one that is very rare! First one I've seen as far as I know! :D

    Hashhog, Gap542, luckycordel and 3 others like this.